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Am I wrong for setting an age limit?

DeepEmbrace​(dom female)
1 year ago • Nov 5, 2023
DeepEmbrace​(dom female) • Nov 5, 2023
No, you are NOT at all wrong for setting an age limit. Full stop.

We are all allowed to have limits, boundaries, preferences, and criteria for who we are looking for. If someone won't respect your boundary in an ad, then they will not respect your boundaries in person.

Also, this is very common so just know that it will happen when you run an ad or just have a profile... Some people WILL message you complaining about how your limits, boundaries, preferences, criteria, etc don't include them. They WILL ask for exceptions. They WILL try to find loopholes. They WILL get angry. Just block them and move on.

Noone gets to tell you who you have to be with or what limits, boundaries, preferences, criteria, etc. you get to have for yourself.
ThomasVaVerified member
ThomasVaVerified member
1 year ago • Nov 5, 2023
ThomasVaVerified member • Nov 5, 2023
Of course there is no wrong in …….

Setting an age limit
A younger woman contacting on an older man
A older man contacting a younger woman
A submissive wanting a Dom within the age limits 20-21 with 12 years of experience
A master asking his potential slave to have her legs sewn together for his mermaid fetish.

Respect each other’s wishes and do it with kindness.
BeneathHerNow​(sub male)
1 year ago • Nov 5, 2023
BeneathHerNow​(sub male) • Nov 5, 2023
I am an old man who is "cut" off by age limits often, lol. I am mostly happy to be above ground and everything else is gravy. I don't worry about who doesn't want or desire me in their life. Got no time for it. Its silly to dwell on it. And it is silly to pressure that person to drop the limit.

What is being discussed here is giving your free time and attention to someone.
That is the most precious currency we have and being compelled by guilt to give it to someone you are not comfortable with just makes no sense. Its no longer being with someone you want to be with if you give in.
NoClvrNickname​(sub female)Verified member
1 year ago • Nov 5, 2023
NoClvrNickname​(sub female)Verified member • Nov 5, 2023
You are 100% allowed to like what you like & want what you want.

Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise can go fuck themselves.
Sir Sylvain​(dom female)
1 year ago • Nov 5, 2023
Sir Sylvain​(dom female) • Nov 5, 2023
Limits are limits. Anyone who is asking or even trying to shake you for having a boundary will only end up disrespecting other limits of yours. Sometimes even bigger ones.
Stick to your guns.
IowaDom​(dom male)
1 year ago • Nov 6, 2023
IowaDom​(dom male) • Nov 6, 2023
Would love to chime in, but alas, "the tribe has spoken" lol, and great advice it is!
trappedperhaps​(sub female)
1 year ago • Nov 6, 2023
Thought it a waste of time. Seemed to attract the opposite. But also I’m still looking for that someone & if I can make it easier for them then hey. I guess it’s just a personal preference at the time
Little Vixie​(sub female){Mgh30}
1 year ago • Nov 6, 2023
Do what makes you comfortable. I actually don't tend to fuck younger than 30. I just dont find anyone my age that I've enjoyed playing with. I personally find that the older I play with, the more experience comes with it and more fun I have.
If someone has a problem with your age limit, they probably don't have good intentions. The under 35 is a preference and others have to respect it
Hekate He Near​(switch female){Eros}Verified member
1 year ago • Nov 7, 2023
Hekate He Near​(switch female){Eros}Verified member • Nov 7, 2023
If you have thought it through and are sure you are comfortable in your preferences and are stating them in an inoffensive way...

Tell them to move along to other profiles.

There are much starker differences between generations now.

That said, everyone likes what they like and this is a BDSM/fetish site. I've seen ads for people who identify as pink latex rabbits only.

To give you grief about a stated limit/preference is akin to kink-shaming, IMO.
Sir Eliah​(dom male)
1 year ago • Nov 8, 2023
Sir Eliah​(dom male) • Nov 8, 2023
I see nothing wrong with age limits. You set them were your most comfortable and don't worry about what others have to complain about.