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My ex revealed his kink to me and I don't know what to do

Sir of the lost
5 months ago • Feb 10, 2024
Sir of the lost • Feb 10, 2024
Somehow, being he's laid all of that on you, I don't think he's ever going to be satisfied with just "you". So, don't cut yourself short. You're young, that is what some could consider "puppy love".
You'll find the one who truly loves "YOU" , if you just allow time to heal your past traumas, and ditch his demanding foolishness.

Best of luck to you....
MasterDomDok​(sadist male){you?}
5 months ago • Feb 24, 2024
"Superior sperm?" I thought we deleted that song when we deleted the Nazi party. I sure hope his base commander or MPs don't catch wind of his treatment of you. If you want to keep him out of the brig, make sure your bruises are well covered when you are on base, or any functions with him.
IDKwhatimdoinghere​(switch female)
1 day ago • Jul 26, 2024
IDKwhatimdoinghere wrote:
Hi all, this is an update to anyone who wants to follow along with this because it seems like a few of you are quite interested.

I have decided not to follow through. I will tell him how I truly feel about what he’s said and be brutally honest with him, and if he cannot take that, I will be breaking up with him. I chose to continue the relationship if he is willing to understand. However, I will be cautious moving forward. I find it quite degrading of him to think so low of me and even if I like it occasionally, I do not like that in a serious 1 on 1 relationship.

Im sure none of you guys thought I would post another update to this. I blocked him about a month after posting this update. I have realized that I hid a lot from you all. He was a complete douche bag and treated me like trash.

Anyway, moral of the story, if you have a bad feeling about someone early into the relationship, you’re probably right. Run for your life.