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Sweet Minx​(sub female){NotLooking}
7 months ago • Feb 11, 2024
My point is it can be done in a respectful manner. Just because we dont agree doesnt make it crap. Opinions can be stated without ridiculing and insulting someone. The guy was being open and honest.

Ive seen a lot of blogs and posts lately of people not feeling welcome to post, being bullied and made fun of etc. Can we not be "cognizant" of it and try to be better and make everyone feel welcome here. Perhaps he needed to be here more than others if he was so 'misguided'.
7 months ago • Feb 11, 2024
I'mME • Feb 11, 2024
SnowMinx wrote:
My point is it can be done in a respectful manner. Just because we dont agree doesnt make it crap. Opinions can be stated without ridiculing and insulting someone. The guy was being open and honest.

Ive seen a lot of blogs and posts lately of people not feeling welcome to post, being bullied and made fun of etc. Can we not be "cognizant" of it and try to be better and make everyone feel welcome here. Perhaps he needed to be here more than others if he was so 'misguided'.

His post while strange, got answered SnowMinx several different answers.. I recognize that English was not his first language,. I asked a question , idk if it was before he left or not.

You wrote....

*Perhaps he needed to be here more than others if he was so 'misguided'.[/quote]*

He WROTE that he was practiced , an old hand at BDSM, specifically D/s.

It behooves me why someone feels the need to belittle someone who answers in good faith forum posts that another puts out.
I'm not a good writer , I try to look over what I write.
Maybe others should do the same, see if their words make sense, are a complete thought, etc.

It is not bullying to question what someone wrote especially for clarification. What does stand out, is when they don't answer. It's how forums work. No two people are alike in how they approach this.

Perhaps people may want to sit back and reflect on a situation , maybe ways they may have contributed to a situation.
decadentEssence​(sub female)
7 months ago • Feb 11, 2024
Yes, especially people who make others feel they have to leave.
It is obvious that the og post was understood in different ways by different people.
Perhaps some need to stand back from the band wagon.
Perhaps I am one
7 months ago • Feb 12, 2024
I'mME • Feb 12, 2024
decadentEssence wrote:
Yes, especially people who make others feel they have to leave.
It is obvious that the og post was understood in different ways by different people.
Perhaps some need to stand back from the band wagon.
Perhaps I am one


Was this to me?
aradialspire​(dom femme)
7 months ago • Feb 12, 2024
aradialspire​(dom femme) • Feb 12, 2024
There is an enormous gap between being a sexual sadist and an everyday sadist. The man was talking about the TV show Dexter, his "dark passenger", sexual sadism in the workplace, and that he'd subjugated his coworkers (even if only mentally). It was wild; people were allowed to question it. Was he just enjoying a lunchtime fantasy? Was any of it real? Who knows.

The moment he received any pushback, he got upset. But the man is 60 years old. I see from others here who knew him better that he may have had some kind of unique upbringing, but if you start bringing in fictional characters and Wall Street into your arguments for why you only want to hire sexually submissive underlings in a small office with limited chances for advancement, you are going to have to defend them.

We all have baggage; we all have backgrounds. This is a forum, and forums are a place to discuss issues. I have had some really nasty pushback here in the femdom threads before, but critique and criticism are allowed in a forum. Respond to the ones you want to expand on; ignore the ones you don't. If a thread becomes too much, just unwatch it, and it will continue on without you.
aPeepingMom​(sub female)
7 months ago • Feb 12, 2024
aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Feb 12, 2024
Maybe I’m reading things differently, but I didn’t feel like anyone’s response here was overly aggressive or bullying behavior. Just people with very strong opinions and ready to share those opinions.

If the OP left the site because he got some pushback to this post, then it does nothing but raise more flags and concerns over his management style, on top of what he described.

And I won’t apologize for being concerned about it. I’ve worked for horrible men who manipulated and emotionally abused “meek” women and I won’t sit by and not speak up if I see those behaviors manifesting. #sorrynotsorry