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Am I wrong for setting an age limit?

Literate Lycan​(dom male)
9 months ago • Dec 22, 2023
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Dec 22, 2023
DinhRandom wrote:
That kind of talk is from salty old fucks who don't like being outside of it.

Your preferences are perfectly valid. Don't worry, I don't think you're missing anything. Especially from the ones who complain.

Although I do concur that there is probably a good number of the older fucks who don't like being on the outside, there is an equal number of the younger bunch that feels the press of the door as well from Dominants or subs who have a lower limit set (some women prefer a more mature or elder statesman - it's a thing 😏). In whole, I agree with you. Preferences are preferences. They are valid because it's what the individual enjoys, likes and desires.
Purĕ​(sub female)
9 months ago • Dec 22, 2023
Purĕ​(sub female) • Dec 22, 2023
I have an Agelimit set as well....
I handle it like TempoLimits,...sometimes we stick to them, sometimes not 😂😂
SageFlame​(sub female)
9 months ago • Jan 3, 2024
SageFlame​(sub female) • Jan 3, 2024
You do you 100%.

Other peoples opinions matter not.

I had limits in the beginning also. This has changed quite a bit but it happened naturally. For me, as I learned to vet and get a feel for people the age boxes became obsolete. For me the connection is the main juice. It is completely a personal choice and your choice to make.
Reno​(switch male)
4 months ago • May 27, 2024
Reno​(switch male) • May 27, 2024
No it is not wrong. It is better to set limits.
intenseoldman​(dom male)
4 months ago • May 27, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • May 27, 2024
You know your comfort zone. Be in it and don't let anyone make you uncomfortable by questioning your boundaries. If it's not your preferred age, they'll be challenging your limits, and even your submission. Stand firm and don't waver about who you are and what you want. You don't have to listen to anyone but yourself. Just tell them thanks, but no thanks, I'm good. Showing respect for yourself causes others to respect you, too. Good luck on your journey!
Sammy45​(sub female)
4 months ago • May 27, 2024
Sammy45​(sub female) • May 27, 2024
I would say it is quite common for many of us to have a selected age preferences

Some have selected body types

Some have a specific dynamics

Some put it in their profile and some don’t
I have a personal age bracket that I am comfortable with and a bracket I’m definitely not comfortable with

Some will say age is just a number … to them
Maybe however no one should ever tell you how you feel

I’m very direct about my selected age preferences and about the fact that I’m not looking for an online dynamic …. On some profile on other sites I have included it in my profile however I’ve not had the need on here to do so

If others don’t understand that you have age specifications …. I get that - but they should absolutely respect your choices
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
4 months ago • May 29, 2024
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • May 29, 2024
Under the general rule of thumb a limit particularly a soft limit can be pushed!
But if it’s a boundary then that can never be broken !
So it’s more about you deciding what you are comfortable with !

If I engage a profile that doesn’t have an age on, I’m not going to lead with checking the age, because for me it’s more about whether there is a connection at some level first !
4 months ago • May 30, 2024
farashacaveluv • May 30, 2024
If that's what you prefer, then that's great for you. I generally have a limit of 25 and up for femme, trans, and non-binary folk and 35 and up for cis men. I'm 40 and have partners of various ages and whatnot. My youngest connection is 26 and my eldest is 64 with two others in between.
curiousvirginsub​(sub male)
4 months ago • Jun 3, 2024
It is completely fine to have an age limit, I try to keep mine between 5 years younger to 5 years older, makes the chances of having stuff outside of kink in common much more likely!