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Seeking connections feature

2 months ago • Jun 12, 2024

Seeking connections feature

Bunnie • Jun 12, 2024
Hi tech support icon_smile.gif

Just wondering, the “seeking connections” feature on our profiles, is there a way to get rid of it? I don’t want to click “yes”… so do I have to just keep seeing it?
Not sure if I’m missing something…
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Miki​(masochist female)
2 months ago • Jun 12, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 12, 2024
I definitely don't work here, but the "opt in/out" toggle is at the top of my profile, but I personally don't find it intrusive. As I'll never use the feature, I don't have to click anything. I just scroll past it.

Perhaps they could move the "opt in/out" thing to "preferences" so you'd be less likely to see it, but when they rolled this out , that was how they wanted to handle access to this feature, not make it a menu drop like the former "personals" area was.

Someone more knowledgeable will see your question, though. I just wanted to throw two pennies around.
2 months ago • Jun 12, 2024
Villanelle​(staff) • Jun 12, 2024
@Bunnie, at this time the option is only found on a profile and there is no way to completely dismiss it. Sorry about that!
2 months ago • Jun 12, 2024
Bunnie • Jun 12, 2024
Ok, thanks Villanelle icon_smile.gif
2 months ago • Jun 17, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jun 17, 2024
Yes it can be turned off but you can also use to find friends also not just for looking for love but look for a friendship first.