SassyinCali(sub female) |
5 months ago •
Jul 3, 2024
When Is It A Good Idea To Be Under Protection
5 months ago •
Jul 3, 2024
SassyinCali(sub female) • Jul 3, 2024
I searched past topics for this and did not find what I was looking for. I apologize if this is, in fact, repetitive. If so, please scroll on by.
I am curious as to when it is a good idea to find a Dom who will act as a protector. I think that is the right term, but I am sure that I will receive comments if I am not correct. I see that some subs state that they are “under protection”. I am curious as to what that means exactly or if it is like anything else in the lifestyle where it can vary by those involved and what is agreed to. My basic understanding is that it is a Dom who acts in an advisory capacity for a sub and does not have any personal interest in owning or entering a dynamic with the sub. This way it keeps the advice given unbiased. I beleieve they also help in the vetting of any potential Doms. I am also curious as to why someone would agree to be a protector and what they would gain from it except just helping out a sub who needs some assistance. I have been in three official D/S dynamics, and I have interacted with many different Doms. I believe that I do a pretty good job of screening and saying no thank you at the appropriate times. I know how to block people and I think I communicate well. However, I do not block unless I feel that I have no choice, or the person is aggressive or rude. I have felt lately that I may need some guidance and support with some of my decisions. I have friends, both sub and Dom alike. But I am not sure that I have any Dom friends who may be open to filling this protection role for me. I am a bit nervous to even ask if I do not completely understand what it entails. Any feedback on the role of protector would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has thoughts on how to find a Dom to fill that roll would also be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. |