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Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Jul 8, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 8, 2024
Pictures of feet, hands, etc... they're just photos... nothing wrong with that. Nor is there anything wrong with sending/receiving nudes as long as both parties are down with that.

The sack-vise in the whole thing is someone insisting that another send such things to "prove" something. That's what blows, man.

Shit like that happened to me a couple--three times and it was early on in my "tenure" as a member of this site, Those dudes found greener pastures shortly thereafter, likely helped out the door by my reply that I don't ask or owe anyone a damned thing.
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 9, 2024
Next to you I don't need to be strong. If there is anything that elevates my femininity it's is a loving and responsible man , who is not afraid to show both his strength and vulnerability.

“Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.”
― Charlie Chaplin in a letter to his daughter Geraldin

Mentally Attractive. Lust expired.

Safe sex is not always wearing a condom, It's being careful who you mix your soul with.

Yeah anyone can want it but takes that one special person to actually value you.

Not about who wants you. It's about values and respecting you.
To the Post
The old you must "verify yourself" been decade old Trickery used in the msn/yahoo chat/messengers/old forums 90s early 2000's era

until people caught on to it started making a pack helping others be careful that they had to write warnings and rules before you enter a chat room/forum. Douchey's ask for Verification are just looking for a quick thrill, nothing serious themself they just want to bump and grind to your photos and collect and sell them photos or try to keep you around to black mail you they think they have you now under their finger.

You will attract many just weed them out.
You have the audacity not to answer you don't need to enter their game play yours higher just delete if they continue to disrespect remover them and block.

But it seems many been bothered I seen last few days also.
I have a limit & once you reach it I will dismiss you from my life. It's that simple.
But if they are kind but does match the same you still thank wish the best.
Also be careful also about fetishes and quote if has anything you desire people will try to rush so be careful what you share only share very little only share with someone that respects willing to meet you in the same get emotionally invested before getting hooked.
Photo of yourself and art and smile Keep it very little to the imagination you only need to please yourself. Don't have to give them anything they need to respect you if they want be part of you they need to be happy to even be part of it.

I had a few guys that will show a photo of themself of a selfie but they were clean and fully clothed, just a face to shoulder photo and conversation. If you going to share anything photo should be faded little glared at first or not to close but still showing but keep to the imagination share very little don't have to take if off you can keep it on only show a little don't give out to much if you give to much they take it and run off. You don't need to take off for anyone, your temple is yours, the body is a sacred place. It's only for the one that respects you in the mind and soul first to earn your trust because submission is earned not given. When respect is lost the gate is closed. I know some like to express themself but don't want you to lose your chance of finding someone. But express with flatter showing form fitted clothes. If they are only after your body or looks they are not the one. The right one will take the time to move mountains to win you over. Relationship and love won't be first but the seeing if their a connection and friendship and courtship with chemistry on the same page and aliment with souls click. Like when its first meeting online , in public the first meeting is not a date you need to see if you both got a connection if does not line up the same then it's not a match. They need to treat with respect same as online and real they take you out in public do things keep growing the connection not hide you but also protect you , and allows have own room at hotel after you meet does force sex all that more later.

No answer is a answer , Not relying back after disrespect is still a answer , No and still a No.
Well one can not read well I guess no reply , Not interested in hanky-panky have a nice life.

Semi is Ok but leave to the imagination as well like sheer over it and faded. Just when picture looks like from porn site showing to much this why guy's get to hard to handle yes guy's can be weird but you need to lay down the law that nudes are off limits they don't like it well I guess they better to buy a one those silicone fucks dolls take photo's of that. Some wear masks , glasses or will put a flower on the photo with it because at first you get to see a little, the rest is earned over time.

Over time when you get to know someone after a few weeks I would say exchange of photo and voice then voice and cam but still they should not be asking for nudes. The grown person would be willing to be grown enough to be patient.and slowly grow the connection.
Go with what do with settle for nothing less.

Last edited by * on Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:19 am, edited 4 times in total
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 9, 2024
The secret , Alice. Is to Surround yourself with people who make your heart smile. It's then , only then , that you'll find wonderland"

How do you know someone is for you? They bring you peace and haven't found anyone else. They support your effect. They water your growth.

Great to be honest but don't give too much they can take it and leave , yet a mystery keep to the imagination allowing them to earn the heart slowly can not just be given but in time with trust just as submission it's earned both ways. Not saying you're wrong.

A lass/lad as Women/Man should never lower self just for anyone for bump in the night know your value and respect never settle for anything less. Do better become the partner you seek date yourself respect thy self in return what you want. I guess all depends if you talked for hours still talk on phone til next day meet also and had dinner and wine but I would not call it a fling I just say great connection and chemistry of great passion of longer time down the road. Gotta be more sex in the soul selective someone loves a soul mind and soul body comes last just after a body and looks no soul no nothing.

Safe sex is not always wearing a condom, It's being careful who you mix your soul with.
A Women Can Not Mother Well, Have Good Health or Focus on Excelling in her Career with a Man in her life that is messing with her head and weighing her down.

Find a great friendship first before the relationship and love department. Grow with connection and time and laughter go out and do things courted into it. Yeah anyone can want it but takes that one special person to actually value you. Keep it with connection being yet a mystery, share little til mutual trust. Someone that you talk to for hours really clicks your soul and takes the time to get to know you that kind of spark. Romance over time later worked into friendship and courtship.

Just like flowers require water to keep them beautiful. People require love , honesty , respect , trust , passion energy to keep them beautiful too.Once we give that , then we just may find that the god and goddess we been looking for has been right in front of you us all along

The man or women you choose to be your partner effects everything in your life. Your mental health, Your peace of mind,your love inside you, your happiness, how you get through trades, your successes, how your children will be raised , and much more. Choose wisely.

You deserve a slow love uncomplicated. No rush. Sure and Stable. Consistent .You deserve the love. You deserve someone that's sure of you. that you're sure of.

Not all moments of intimacy are sexual. Sometimes it's just about mutual nurturance.

Dance , Sing , read , to each other , breathe together - communicate. Don't count on sex to be the door to intimacy. It's the other way around first to develop intimacy skills . Then make love to enjoy them.We all things have a story. And no matter how much work you've done on yourself. We all snap back together. So be easy on yourself. Growth is a dance. Not a light switch.Some just want good company, a person to vibe with , converse with and laugh without in a rush. Start off simple , and let the rest find itself.

Sharing same vision in life , Both have a Plan , Hand Holding, Watching the stars , Showing up for your theater play , Road Trip . Vacation , Dancing , Whispering sweet secrets to each other , Doing the most silly things together , Cheering you up on blue day's , Picking you up over the shoulder , Bucket list.

Be with someone who will take care of you.
Not materialistically,
but take care of your soul, your well being. your heart, and everything that's you.

There will be ones who want you there will be the person who deserve you.

It's rare to that you find someone with enough emotional and mental patience and maturity to work through the sh#t with. Like actually communicate , and lose their ego because they value the connection more than their pride, You gotta leave your ego at the door in love. It's a must.

Feeling safe in someone's energy is a different type of intimacy. That feeling of peace and protection is really underrated.


Humble and calm yet still take no sh*t and set solid boundaries to protect my energy.

A Women Can Not Mother Well, Have Good Health or Focus on Excelling in her Career with a Man in her life that is messing with her head and weighing her down.

Reminder Women/Man do not need to be polite to someone who is making them feel unconformable.

hand made love
Something so imitate about handmade stuff , handmade bread , handmade presents , hand written letters , in a general intimacy and tenderness are stored in hands , in holding hands and playing with each other's fingers , warming each other's hands.


Of, relating to, or being a religious mystery.
Arousing wonder or curiosity, especially by being difficult to explain or understand.
Of or pertaining to mystery; containing a mystery; difficult or impossible to understand; inexplicable; obscure; not revealed or explained; enigmatically; incomprehensible.

“Nothing is more dangerous than a man/women who healed his wounds on his/her own”

A person becomes 10 times attractive not by their looks but their acts of kindness, love, respect, honesty and loyalty they show.

Love is not enough it needs aligned values, vision, and lifestyle in order to maintain any healthy relationship.

𝘈𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘰 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘤 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺.

Passion take leading hand to lead the way. Feed my soul , arouse my mind , channel the connection , emotionally invested on soul level spark with growth. takes someone very special to wake it up what comes to the heart.

"Important encounters are planned by the soul long before the bodies see each other."

Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and most importantly , a beautiful soul.

Fascinated by soul , depth , intellect , rebellion , with cause , love without condition, ,music that makes you feel different . . . .that matters.

I am not a snack. I am a garden. Take care of me and I can feed you forever.

Your relationship should be a safe haven , not a battlefield. The world is hard enough.

Compliments on appearance are nice , but when somebody compliments you as a person - you laugh , your personality , your heart - that's where it's at.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself. "is this the person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspective?"if not there is no point to argue.

Your soulmate will exactly how to deal with you.,Flaws & all...


Of, relating to, or being a religious mystery.
Arousing wonder or curiosity, especially by being difficult to explain or understand.
Of or pertaining to mystery; containing a mystery; difficult or impossible to understand; inexplicable; obscure; not revealed or explained; enigmatically; incomprehensible.

My "I got you" Is a powerful as F#ck, like I really got you. through trail & error, break down & break through, sunshine & storm, I'm here.

No man on this earth becomes strong without experiencing some deep dark pain.

Asexual , Demisexual , Noetisexual , Sapioromantic . Is centered, very reserved, selective with heart takes the right kind of energy and connection with feeling to be open with heart & soul . Connection can not be forced or rushed " has to be in the same vibration and the right time with balance the same connection and chemistry and clicked you feel it. Some share the bond with lockets , bracelets , rings , tattoo symbol of soul bond.

Both ways , Understand the energy, the feeling of how you treat someone and respect them the way one would do themself in respectful energy but love with respect. Growth with peace understand all of you stepping into the present time of journey walk with you.

Demisexual Usually refers to a person who does not experience physical attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with the person first.

Noetisexual Usually refers to a person who is only physically attracted to those they are mentally connected to.

Sapioromantic Usually refers to a person who is romantically attracted to a person's mind more so than by the appearance of their body.
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 9, 2024
"The only proof "the perfect companion lol

Grow a girlfriend doesn't nag or complain but will shrink your dick.

Girlfriend will slowly shrink when removed from the water.

If you can't get a date- then grow the perfect mate.
House Talion​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Jul 9, 2024
It's very common to meet ubber-doms on sites like these and they all want proof of submision or how you look in all directions and most command for your submision directly in the first message. Nothingness such as big a red flag as the many ways these ppl show their insecurities.
IronWorld​(sadist male)
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024

Re: Proof?!

IronWorld​(sadist male) • Jul 9, 2024
Sweet Escape wrote:

The first part of your comment wasn't what I was referring to. We all see that stuff. I'm talking about messaging you and specifically saying "oh your a Dom? Im interested but prove it to me by showing your "joystick". Would that not be rather ridiculous?

Only because a nude pic is meaningless to a woman. Men and women seek different things. Unless society actually turned into literal dick fighting contests, a woman is usually not going to be impressed by the mere sight of a dick.

Men measure worth of a partner by what is considered physically healthy and tend, unless they've really been injured by it, to ignore the garbage underneath. It's honest, simple and direct. Women can't deal with the simplicity of it and claim men are underevolved as a result.

Women measure the worth of a partner by their psychological/physical power and how men can translate it into the acquisition of status and material goods for the woman in his life. Unless they've really been injured by it, women can't consider the very real possibility that this power might manifest as abuse towards themselves because every woman plays with fire in every single social interaction and attempts manipulation games as a means to see how far they can push their partner to achieve more (women practice this noise on anyone who gets close and that's why women tend to hate each other, because women hate being manipulated too. Its also why every female domestic abuse victim blames themselves first - they always think they might have flipped the wrong switch). Women respect men who aren't who aren't easily manipulated, but can still be manipulated, but only by them. When men actually look past the physical and notice this behavior, they see women as total psychos because their selection process is overly complex, manipulative (duh), and far more likely to fail with spectacularly bad results than it is to succeed.

And by the way, western women made themselves inferior because they've priced themselves out of the market. Passport Bro'ing will only fix the problem for a generation, once their children are raised in the same social noise, it'll be the same damn thing all over again.
Sweet Minx​(sub female)
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024

Re: Proof?!

Sweet Minx​(sub female) • Jul 9, 2024
IronWorld wrote:
Sweet Escape wrote:

The first part of your comment wasn't what I was referring to. We all see that stuff. I'm talking about messaging you and specifically saying "oh your a Dom? Im interested but prove it to me by showing your "joystick". Would that not be rather ridiculous?

Only because a nude pic is meaningless to a woman. Men and women seek different things. Unless society actually turned into literal dick fighting contests, a woman is usually not going to be impressed by the mere sight of a dick.

Men measure worth of a partner by what is considered physically healthy and tend, unless they've really been injured by it, to ignore the garbage underneath. It's honest, simple and direct. Women can't deal with the simplicity of it and claim men are underevolved as a result.

Women measure the worth of a partner by their psychological/physical power and how men can translate it into the acquisition of status and material goods for the woman in his life. Unless they've really been injured by it, women can't consider the very real possibility that this power might manifest as abuse towards themselves because every woman plays with fire in every single social interaction and attempts manipulation games as a means to see how far they can push their partner to achieve more (women practice this noise on anyone who gets close and that's why women tend to hate each other, because women hate being manipulated too. Its also why every female domestic abuse victim blames themselves first - they always think they might have flipped the wrong switch). Women respect men who aren't who aren't easily manipulated, but can still be manipulated, but only by them. When men actually look past the physical and notice this behavior, they see women as total psychos because their selection process is overly complex, manipulative (duh), and far more likely to fail with spectacularly bad results than it is to succeed.

And by the way, western women made themselves inferior because they've priced themselves out of the market. Passport Bro'ing will only fix the problem for a generation, once their children are raised in the same social noise, it'll be the same damn thing all over again.

So first, I was speechless then I was like what the fuck. Now I'm contemplative. Im not bored enough to unpack your post in detail but I will say that's a lot of generalizations in your post and as a woman, a submissive and a domestic abuse survivor, I can assure you that your jaded mindset holds a lot of incorrect notions.
IronWorld​(sadist male)
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024

Re: Proof?!

IronWorld​(sadist male) • Jul 9, 2024
Sweet Escape wrote:
I can assure you that your jaded mindset holds a lot of incorrect notions.

Your reaction doesn't surprise me. Given the option between rationalization and emotionalization, women will choose to emotionalize an argument (all theories, after all, are generalizations). Above all else, women hate it when people hold a mirror to their behavior and you'll piss on anything that threatens to pull back the curtain.

It's why women, despite being more social than men, can't actually accomplish anything with other women; why they're far more likely to fall victim to body dysmorphia, and much more likely to undergo and become addicted to plastic surgery. It's why women fawn over fiction that features attractive, abusive men and heroic female manipulators. It's why feminists do everything in their power to claim happy housewives are actually oppressed. It's all the self-inflicted, self-loathing.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 9, 2024
... hmmm a lot of Dollar General psychoanalysis in parts of these posts. For the one thing, a man, try as he might cannot fully appreciate or understand all there is to how a woman feels any more than a woman, speaking for myself at least, can fully appreciate how men feel, what they prefer and what causes them to act in one way or another.

But to differ sharply-- sorry Ironworld, you're doing the broad brush thing... not a profitable pastime. I for one have "accomplished" a great deal with other women, well beyond all the things you slathered onto the proverbial wall with that oversized paint brush you're using. And hard pass on plastic surgery or other shit that alters the appearance. That's for celebrities who try and defy Father Time and remain relevant. Hell, I hardly even use make-up. Some eye liner, neutral lipstick where expected for Company meetings and shit where I just sit and read either their white board or the computer screen provided so I know what the fuck the damned meeting is about... That's all I wanted to say.

I have, here and there, used a wider-than-recommended "brush" when it comes to dudes but I usually add the qualifier "Many, but not all" I know (casually) three or four guys I encountered in here and IRL who are the antithesis of the much-maligned, hirsute neanderthal who is ill-mannered and is possessed of an excessively eager schlong.

Like "the truth" and "otherworldly beings" good guys: "They're Out There."


Overall I feel that over-generalizations and battle-of-the-sexes pissing contests are a good part of what is wrong with society today both online and offline.