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10 months ago • Nov 2, 2023
I'mME • Nov 2, 2023
I love Halloween, I just have not celebrated the last few years .

Trunk or Treat did start w churches, not mom groups. IT started, as Miki similarly stated, as a way to take the boogyman, devil, out of it. It evolved over to what is today.

One aspect that has come along in the last decade or so is , when is Halloween?
Yes, I DO understand.

My answer

Halloween is ALWAYS & FOREVER on



FFS, please quit trying to change everything. We GenX ers do not like it.

DidiRN​(sub female)
1 month ago • Aug 10, 2024
DidiRN​(sub female) • Aug 10, 2024
I loved it as a kid. Got hit by a car trick or treating at 13 so I wasn't into it for a long time because of the memories.

Then my sister had my niece on Halloween and now I love it again. That kid reminded me of the fun I used to have on Halloween. It has become a tradition that we roast hotdogs over the fire for dinner and make s'mores for desert before the kids go trick or treating.
helpfulhints​(sub female)
1 month ago • Aug 14, 2024
helpfulhints​(sub female) • Aug 14, 2024
I love Halloween but sadly itโ€™s in the decline here in the UK. Unless youโ€™re a 18-25yr old who goes out drinking in your underwear.
I miss the kids knocking on the door with their costumes on all excited.