Morley(sub female){Max Sterne}
3 months ago •
Aug 24, 2024
3 months ago •
Aug 24, 2024
I don't come on often, mostly because life is busy, but also for reasons you say in your post (plus I love me some popcorn and Mojitos, so I had to come in).
But seriously, the Forum here is public, meaning you don't need to be a member to read the Forums and comments. I remember when I first "lurked" the site (hadn't joined), I read almost all the Forums and comments and any blogs that were public too. (Also the once "personal ads", but they were more for entertainment.) Anyway, it was the many topics and the many DIVERSE comments. It was that diversity and all the different opinions that appealed to me and so I became a member.
Sure, there were times and people (including myself) that got out the pitchforks and attacked OPs, blogs, comments, Forums etc. however, back then we were a smaller community and the Admins were very hands on and took immediate action when someone was out of line. Now that it's a much bigger community, I think they rely on users to report such things. This doesn't mean to act on it yourself and start "policing" the site, it means report the person/antics etc. and they (Admin) will take what necessary action they deem as fit.
As for your original question: Am I wrong on suggesting maybe if you aren't interested in providing your comments on a specifically sexual question, maybe just move on to the next topic?
NO, you're not wrong at all! In fact , I agree 100% with your post. This is a BDSM and Kinky site and we ALL know there's a variety of Kink and BDSM which may not be "our" thing, but we are supposed to be judgement free and not shame anyone!!!
Are there predators here? Absolutely! And I am being 100% INCLUSIVE to the word "predators". Again, though, they are to be reported to Admin!
A few good examples of something I personally experienced here are:
Sexual play while a submissive is in "little space". Personally that's not my thing, I had a hard time wrapping my brain around it. There's a wide range of opinions on the topic, but what it boiled down to for me was "they are consenting adults". So not my business and therefore I won't shame or judge.
Another was extreme Master/slave dynamics. Again, many different opinions on the topic, and may not be "my thing" but that's okay because they're consenting adults.
What I found best for me was to just ignore (as you are saying) and move along. Of course sometimes I would need to talk about subjects that bothered me, so I found it best to do it privately.
Remember the saying we should ALL adhere to: Your Kink is Not My Kink and That's Okay!!!