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A question for women attracted to women.

CruelPuppetMaster​(dom male)
4 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024

A question for women attracted to women.

I'm posting this in Generally Speaking instead of Lesbian BDSM because it has nothing to do with BDSM.

What I am wondering is, what makes a woman physically attractive to you? Do you find long, slender legs sexy, as a man would? Long lashes? Curvy hips?
If a straight male and a lesbian are both looking at the same woman and both find her sexy, what are the differences in *why*?

Miki​(masochist female)
4 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 20, 2024
That question has been around forever, even more so when same sex attractions came out of the shadows and into, the mainstream, and there have been and are still legions of "learned men and women" who issue physiological and psychological "explanations" but as far as I'm concerned, anyway, it just comes down to how the individual is "wired", for lack of a better word.

It's no easier than trying to divine why different people in a given area have different "favorite colors" "Favorite foods" "favorite movies" and so-forth.

Sorry I cannot be of more help but for me, It Just Is.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
3 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Sep 20, 2024
I find this a rather odd question, as I have never found two men who can agree on why a woman is attractive.

Each person has their own reason they get hot in the genitals over another, gender and sexuality is rather unimportant. I have found some men attractive but not sexually. I've even fucked guys, but not because I was sexually attractive to them, but in a D/s power play.

The end all, be all of this is some women find other women attractive for the same reason you do. Some find other reason, but it is all personal.
TwinkleEyes​(dom female)
3 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024
TwinkleEyes​(dom female) • Sep 20, 2024
I’m with Topeka it’s an odd question. Is your attraction to every female the same?

I’m attracted to someone’s mind. Their body’s just a bonus to that package.
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking}
3 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024
I also find this question a bit odd.
Personally I think it would come down to the different individuals. Personalities , who they are and how they present their self . If you only are looking at looks then it would be a shallow encounter. Just my opinion
DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared}
3 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024
That’s a fascinating question! In my generation, we often talk about the "female gaze" versus the "male gaze" in terms of how women dress. It’s intriguing because many women notice and appreciate details—like unique outfits or creative hairstyles—that often go unnoticed by men. I agree with others that it ultimately varies from person to person, but from my observations, women and men tend to be drawn to different aspects of a woman's appearance.
    The most loved post in topic
3 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024
Bunnie • Sep 20, 2024
It’s not a specific physical characteristic that I find appealing. Maybe more of an energy thing?
Women to me are like French artwork… “softer” around the edges.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 weeks ago • Sep 20, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 20, 2024
I love it!

The old "Boys Locker Room" expression when the quarterback or whatever high profile varsity athlete lands the girl with the melons: "I like her for her personality!!!"

Yeah, sure.. Bet you shake it more than three times when you hang a leak but deny it like a serial elevator farter, Jockstrap!

While no two men are attracted to a given woman for the same exact reason, they tend to be attracted to very similar ones. The physical attributes -- Grapefruits under the shirt, nice curve of the hips and an ass more squeezable than Charmin ass paper. A pretty face helps but is not required, hence the expression "Butter-face". or "Make sure all the lights are out before you unwrap that one" -- but that backfires in the morning when he wakes up. (and/or sobers up) and notices either hairy armpits or the fine scent of B. O. wafting up from under the blankets.


But that is attraction. That's what gets the ball rolling. "Liking" a gal or the other way around is deeper. That's where the "personality" kicks in. Sense of humor, for women, if a guy tends to be short-tempered (crimson flag) All the vetting shit both sides of the equation do.

Since relationships, let alone dynamics, aren't my thing I can only hypothesize.. I'd be attracted to another woman (I lean "L" on the LGBT scale) But only lean--- who has similar interests but also different ones. Variety is the corn kernels in the log of life.
HayleyE​(sub female)
3 weeks ago • Sep 22, 2024
HayleyE​(sub female) • Sep 22, 2024
I believe that girls pick up on the smaller details that go missed by men. From the m earrings she is wearing, to the smell of her perfume, her eyes to her shoes.

For me it’s personality first, it’s how she goes about her interactions with myself and others especially! A bubbly personality is so hot for me!

I can’t speak for all women but most would agree there is a lot more to it then just her looks. Sure Boobs and an ass are hot, but what strikes the deal is how she flirts and wins over your heart icon_smile.gif

For women there’s the stereotypes that lesbians rush into relationships… they move in and make things serious quickly, that’s because we have already done our checklist and know each other off by heart!

For gay men they just fuck a lot! Haha nothing wrong with that, but like I said the first step is knowing the person. For me if she can make me smile and we get along like bread and butter then we are already off to the races.

There is definitely no easy answer, as everyone has their own preferences.