Solace wrote:
B L O N D I E wrote:
I don't think men want anything much different than what women want. I see the vast majority of men on this site--and elsewhere--saying they want a long-term relationship with someone they share a deep connection with. They want trust, loyalty, security, understanding, validation, affection, attention. intimacy--all the same things women want. I think this idea that men and women want different things is bullshit, to be frank. It's just a ploy to make us think we're against each other when we aren't. Just my opinion.
Hi B L O N D I E,
I'm no so convinced. I certainly posit you could be correct but there are implications to what you are saying that the general public would not support.
I recognize this could be landslide fallacy but if I understand you correctly that you are arguing men and women are sufficiently similar, then we must say that men offer no significantly unique perspective and ladies offer no significantly unique perspective.
Solace, it's interesting that you asked for things men desire in general but want to drill down into a "significantly unique perspective" ladies offer.
Then you say you "believe it will be most effective if we allow comments to accumulate and when it does appear appropriate to respond we reply respectfully and keep the space safe for their dialog and thoughts even should we disagree with their world view."
And then you correct all of their opinions?
What do you want Solace?
That's what I'd like to know.
IMHO I think desires need to mesh and they are fluid. If you're a sadist, you want to inflict pain, so you'll mesh with a masochist. But you asked generally speaking, so I'd agree with Rose, that men want to be heard.
You sure want to be heard. I do too. Why woyld you post this and would I respond? We want to be heard.
Bonnie is right, too. We generally do want the same things. Maslow didn't distinguish between male and female in his hierarchy of needs. Whereas needs and desires overlap, we desire and need the same things.
Not all desires are needs, though.
Maybe that is what you are looking for. Fantasies are desires. Maybe there are more older men that want younger women than younger women that want older men. Maybe men desire security less from women than women desire it from men.... IDK.
But everyone's opinion is valid and should be accepted without a ton of scrutiny. I really want to hear what everyone has to say.
It's a discussion worth having.