Solace(dom male) |
1 month ago •
Nov 17, 2024
Relationship Desires F
1 month ago •
Nov 17, 2024
Solace(dom male) • Nov 17, 2024
What generalizations, if any, can be said about what Ladies want from a relationship?
As the questioner, I will cast the first stone for judgement on its distance traveled. I believe ladies desire a great deal of things which I will attempt to simplify at the cost of nuance. To put it crassly I believe ladies desire Emotional support, resources and protection. I will attempt elaborate but not to justify as doing so will be too anecdotal. Emotional support can be a lot of things. At a base sense it can be attention in the form of witty banter, asking how their day was, and talking through their emotions and problems with them and more. I find attention to be the most important aspects ladies desire. Irregularities in its application I have found can quickly cause some ladies to become bored or even distressed. Resources can be both material and skills. The material side of things is obvious in examples of wealth which indicate mans ability to provide. While I hear often enough that this isn't a factor, I typically find that some base level of requirement does exist. For example a man having a vehicle to pick a lady up for a date, having the funds to go on a date, or having a space to host. Skills are details that make a man stand out from a crowd, something he is preferably great at or knowledgeable in. I often find I get more respect from romantic candidates if I demonstrate something I am good at to them in ways I do not get nor expect from men. Protection, I find this also essential to ladies. Yes, sometimes its squashing spiders. Other rarer, and preferably so, standing up to the potential robber downstairs with a baseball bat. However, I categorize and find it to also being able to solve her problems. If her emotions are running hot or wild, I should be able to stand firm and patient with them or preferably reign them in. If there is uncertainty in the future it is my role to make it seem more confident. Then their is the more obvious applications such as mechanical issues with appliances, plumbing, or vehicles. Her problems, even if they were caused by her, are my problems. Even if a lady does not expect me to solve her problems, she is infinitely more happy when I do. I will cite years of watching my parents relationship with a snarky grin on this, as well as some of my own. |