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Why The New Calendar Feature Is Cool

Villanelle​(staff)Verified member
Villanelle​(staff)Verified member
7 years ago • Apr 6, 2017

Why The New Calendar Feature Is Cool

Villanelle​(staff)Verified member • Apr 6, 2017
You may have clicked on our events calendar in the past and saw a lot of events not relevant to your area. We've updated the calendar so that you can now show events not only for your country, but even your city. Click on the button on the upper right hand side of the calendar and type in your preferred location. You can change it at any time or go back to world wide if you prefer.

Although you may not see many or event any upcoming events for your location at the moment, it's a great way to keep an eye on what's happening. You can also help us out by posting events you are going to or have heard of that you think might be of interest to other Cagers.

So yeah - THE CAGE Calendar goes local. Or not....your choice. We hope you like this new feature!
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