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Ask a Dom/me or s type anything

TopekaDom​(dom male)
11 months ago • Jul 2, 2023

Ask a Dom/me or s type anything

TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 2, 2023
So here it is the holiday weekend and I am watching the Tremors set for like the 5th time. Being that bored, I thought I would see if this site would be up to a bit of a Q & A.

I want to see if we can generate a discussion on a set of topics related to D/s matters.

You ask a specific matter related to the lifestyle. Don't make it silly or unrealistic. Nothing like 'What would you do to me if I was yours for 24 hrs?" or "Would you serve me if I did.....".

Now once you answer a question, you have to ask another. You also don't get to answer your own question.

I'll start:

Question: What made you kinky?
alawey​(sub female){(OWNED BY }
11 months ago • Jul 3, 2023
I tbh don't think anything MADE me kinky.
I have honestly always been myself.
Only meaning I have known myself and wat I needed and wanted.just sometime I went about it wrong .

Hopefully that made sense.

My question , : what I don't understand is why so many show it all before they are claimed ( or what ever you choose to call it) ??
I get if you are at a dungeon/ play party and you are with someone . Because then u have thier approval. I m rambling sorry
11 months ago • Jul 4, 2023
Miki • Jul 4, 2023
alawey wrote:
Also if it's allowed..

Way do show many Dom s try to look scary in their pics?

I think it is because some feel that there is a certain image they need to project as dominants. Others are just naturally hideous.

My query:
Is it the mark of an established and experienced dominant to have the ability to take "No" for an answer i n a variety of settings without getting his dick in a twist? -- Feeling less of a dominant because they listen to reason that is. I've known a few dominant types over the years (IRL) in non-dynamic situations and they seem as though they would much rather split their foreheads open than appear diminished as a dominant.

Disclaimer: They're the Old School type in my area. That might be part of it.
Solace​(dom male)
11 months ago • Jul 5, 2023
Solace​(dom male) • Jul 5, 2023
I agree with the image aspect. It is easier to hold the mindset that fear commands respect more effectively than a sense of calm and affection. Though some ladies I've spoken with on here are more into the former.

As to Miki's question, I'm not sure that it is a sign of experience. I certainly can picture some "experienced" individuals who can be stubborn in this regard. I don't think I'm alone in that ability either. I think its a personality trait, to be open and calm, however it's also a trait that can be learned hence why more experienced Dom's exert more proficiency more frequently.

On a side note, good to have you back Miki. Some of us were concerned about your sudden disappearance and its comforting to see you back in good form and humor.
11 months ago • Jul 5, 2023
Miki • Jul 5, 2023
@ Solace

As to the side note.. Thank you for the kind "welcome back". . The time away was ... necessary.

I had some things to deal with, errors to correct-- that sort of thing


Hey, you forgot to put forth a question!!

Mine was the best I could come up with. But since I am here I'll venture another one:


How young is "too young" to start in on BDSM, and could starting young cause one to be jaded by the time they get close to 40?

[I know this is not a one-size-fits-all thing but maybe some of the more experienced D or s types might have some insight]

It's tough to come up with a better question as my role was that of a no-commitment sexual masochist; a tiny little subdivision f being submissive.
8 months ago • Oct 5, 2023
Sololoquy • Oct 5, 2023
I'm not sure becoming jaded is so much to do with age starting out as range of experience and attitude. I get slightly jaded about a different community I've been actively in only for a few years, but then there are pockets where things are different and more positive - it's just finding them.

My question:
Since I know very little about it, how do those of you who live the lifestyle 24/7 integrate those parts of your life that are outside it, e.g. jobs, family, friends outside the lifestyle, health, running errands?