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Female Dominatrix

7 years ago • Jun 14, 2017
LexiKfemme • Jun 14, 2017
This is sad because it is an abuse of of the situation. And it does give us real lovely bitches a bad name.

I am not into Findom and certainly not a tribute scammer but in real life I do expect some "spoiling".

Firstly. The lifestyle is expensive especially if you have a taste for luxury. I spend A LOT of money on my shoes, tights and knickers. And they often get ruined by piss!! Ha ha ha. Well of course there are many of you who love those piss stains icon_wink.gif. So maybe not ruined but certainly abused.

This is a lifestyle and for me it is the whole package. I spend a lot of money on manicures, pedicures, waxing, beauty therapies, hair, make up and that's not even going into replacing broken crops! Especially when I prefer a very luxury real leather brand.

So I do expect to have some actually a lot of spoiling. It is part of being worshipped and adored and appreciated.

But realistically I do not just "meet" guys who message me and offer their servitude.

If you are under over 35 and 45. Incredibly handsome, wealthy and do have taste for the sublime then feel free to massage me.
7 years ago • Jun 17, 2017
Villanelle​(staff) • Jun 17, 2017
@Rodney, making a tribute to establish trust between a domme and sub is nothing I've ever heard of, required myself or heard any of my femdom friends say they do. Instead of thinking that's common practice I'd consider it a red flag. I hope your luck changes!
Novice​(masochist male)
7 years ago • Jun 19, 2017
Novice​(masochist male) • Jun 19, 2017
why keep howling with the wolves?

I like to share my experience in this, since I think I can now freely say

after visiting a pro, 5 years ago, as a kind of initiation I decided i wanted indeed to find some kind of Domme, to help me understand and develop my desires as well as my servitude. My private situation was such I felt i could only do that online. And I was so naive I thought that there would be serious and passionate Dommes out there interested in guiding my skills and talents for their own pleasure. They liked that, but not for pleasure, for profit! the wrong P!

seriously, it took me three years and a lot of problems to work this out, but to me it is very clear it works that way. There is no way around it, money makes Dommes move! I have had conversations with Dommes that literally told me "what do you expect, me to be interested in you, well then serious compensation is required".

I do not mention what that meant to me personally, since it is really stamping on one's ego. It is about that fact it works that way, last weeks I am a bit on face book again, same there.

I have had it, completely. I am convinced there are passionate individuals, but as a whole, BDSM is lost to money.
hoseluvr1960​(sub male){no}
7 years ago • Jul 12, 2017
I signed up for Collar Space being new to BDSM. What I found that there is a lot of dominant woman looking to turn a fast buck with men looking for a Female Lead Relationship. I had one Mistress threaten to kidnap me because I asked to be released from the my Collar of Consideration. I found another Mistress on Collar Space she seemed normal for about a month then see tried the old iTunes card scam. Or some of the Dominant Woman especially the younger ones what to fin dom or beat the shit out of you. All I want to do is find and meet a Dominant Woman so she can bring out my submissiveness.