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Dominant Profile Names

Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • Jun 1, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 1, 2024
Nice to see this thing turned nice... If not.. I wouldn't consider a turd twice.

The Mad Hatter seen as M v W..

and Lamb

Have their points.

But consider the Lobster (fans of the late David Foster Wallace of Amherst MA-- a fella of the same depression)

The original topic.. we can do better
3 months ago • Jun 1, 2024
lambsone • Jun 1, 2024
I agree Miki that's why it needs to be moved to my personal blog.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • Jun 1, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 1, 2024
lambsone wrote:
I agree Miki that's why it needs to be moved to my personal blog.

You're OK Melanie
So is that guy (replies do not afford me the opportunity to look back on a thread) The magician-looking dude..

It's simply not anything to fight about vis a vis the original topic.
My "horrible name" list includes things like Beaulah, and....

Ugh... call in the Big Bad Wolf-- from the Original Grimm's Fairy Tales.

I guess I should be happy.. When I was very young and could hear, my name "Miki" is not "Mickey" as in a certain, well revered Disney character.. In Japanese it has several meanings, but for me (as intended) it means "flower stem" (I'd debate The Folks on that, but... Nahh) But almost. My name rhymed (rhymes I guess) with Freaky. But no, Stud muffins beware, I am Retired. !!

again.. I can't hear what ppl call me but I guess I should be happy...

I'm more than certain many would call me names not fit for print, even in "The Old Gray Lady"-- NYT

I'll be 40 before Thanksgiving so I am gearing up to be a pre- Hag

but... rock on folks!
Caravage​(sadist male)
3 months ago • Jun 2, 2024

The choice of pseudonym

Caravage​(sadist male) • Jun 2, 2024
The choice of pseudonym is the combination of sounds as soon as it appears to follow up on the act of decision at the time of Prasna (प्रश्न): in Sanskrit, this refers to a “Personal questioning”, it is a Vedic science (Jyotish) all the processes and all the energies of the Universe are present at this moment in the mind, the psyche or each of your actions or even your thoughts is energetically linked to the universe by the connection with the planets is mainly the Moon through the 27 lunar abodes “Nakshatra”. The choice of the name (pseudonym) coincides with the variation of cosmic radiation and according to the celestial syllable.

Nakshatras are small constellations of stars that the moon passes through in orbit around the Earth known as “lunar mansions”. As the moon crosses the sky, it passes through 27 lunar sections or houses, and each house contains a dominant star or constellation. Each Nakshatra is divided into 4 quarters (pada) of 3° 20' each pada is associated with a syllable corresponding to a sound.

In your body, each chakra is a wheel surrounded by a specific number of petals, on which a Sanskrit syllable is inscribed.Each syllable symbolizes, condenses, one or more mystical sounds whose vibrations correspond to the chakra. A symbolic animal is indicated at the center of the chakra (subtle qualities and forces of the chakra) as well as a god and a goddess.

The Vedic approach considers that the first name (in this context the pseudonym) that has been chosen becomes the mental mantra that influences the life of the person assigned or chosen to it: their psyche, their capacity to succeed. Therefore, the areas of your life which are linked to the choice of pseudonym depend directly on the character of your action. This is how Prasna releases the maximum of its potential.

The planets form the nodes of an immense energy network weaving force fields linking the entire solar system into one whole. Their energetic poles reach the Earth and, as a result, influence the structure of your life, your body, your consciousness since by moving in its orbit, each planet absorbs and releases energy. The emission of planets forms constantly changing energy structures from which life and all creation arise.

Lunar nakshatras are based on the understanding that the outer world is a mirror of our inner being.

The body is made up mainly of fluids (water, blood, lymph, etc.) and sound is a vibration that is transmitted more easily in water than in air. When choosing your pseudonym, imagine the vibrations, or sound waves propagating through your body, which is made up of more than 70% fluids.

Spiritually, the body is, in essence, a vast reservoir of power (Shakti) and the object of tantric rites or BDSM rituals is to bring these different forms of power to their full expression.This is the work of the Sadhânâ (spiritual journey).The omnipresent energy which animates the human being takes in the latter (while remaining cosmic) the form of the kundalinî, which designates the dynamic feminine energy a source circulating in the body and in the mind

This energy is called the awakening of the serpent, "The coiled" that of spirituality on the raw libido this fiery reptile which remains dormant and has an impressive faculty of creating awakening and ecstasy, sexual enjoyment, reverse breathing. You can imagine it as a female snake coiled at the base of the spine gradually rising through the centers of the “subtle body” [body soul], it successively “pierces” the chakras, reaching the top of the head (the enjoyment of human flesh) in deep meditation it is more subtle, more powerful and incessant.After the experience, amazement!The shadow of desires is even darker and blacker! In some people, this can lead to unconscious sexual excesses.

The unconscious is a slippery space, when you look into the depths of the abyss, the abyss also looks into the depths of you.
3 months ago • Jun 2, 2024
lambsone • Jun 2, 2024
Thank you for the explanation 70's Caravage.
A Minx
3 months ago • Jun 2, 2024
A Minx • Jun 2, 2024
Caravage is not 70's lambsone, he is coming from more like 1500-500 BCE (Before Common Era or Before Christian Era).

Vedic, Veda, Vedas is one of the earliest forms of Sanskrit. Interesting, informative, scientific and worth a look see if one is open to receiving. There are many beautiful stories just like in all the Bibles from around the world's many cultures. If one reads, investigates and learns from each one (of these teachings, Bibles and tenets) the conclusion one is apt to find is - All is universally One.

Nice explanation Caravage! I will need to reread for better comprehension when time allows for some better contemplation, thank you!

Onto the Dominant profile names topic (and Avatars) I find many are quite appropriate to what they have chosen for themselves. Some engage me while others just repel... lol.

Oh and Miki dear, you are not even close to pre-hag, charming girl! (no offense intended)
3 months ago • Jun 2, 2024
lambsone • Jun 2, 2024
70's was a typo A Minx. Sorry about that.
Six Foot Four
3 months ago • Jun 4, 2024
Six Foot Four • Jun 4, 2024
One factor to consider is that many handles are already taken. It's not as bad as setting up a new email on a major service provider, where you're nearly guaranteed to be random letters and numbers, but the Cage has been around for enough years that it's getting harder. My chosen name wasn't available. Nor were many others I tried, so eventually days later I just started listing random factoids about myself and seeing what stuck. My name on here is the first thing that worked because the frustration is real. If nothing had worked, I might well have ended up as UltraMasterMan122333. icon_wink.gif
3 months ago • Jun 4, 2024
lambsone • Jun 4, 2024
WOW hadn't thought about that Six Foot Four.
Caravage​(sadist male)
3 months ago • Jun 5, 2024
Caravage​(sadist male) • Jun 5, 2024
Concerns my nickname: Caravaggio refers to the painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 - 1610). The pseudonym "Caravaggio" was already taken so I Frenchified it Caravaggio.

Despite his violence, Caravaggio was a deeply spiritual being and this religious spirituality remains a key to understanding his work. The one who painted human pain and darkness. Caravaggio was a painter of realistic figures, compositions with tight framing and outrageous use of striking chiaroscuro. Light acquires a symbolic dimension there. It becomes a metaphor for knowledge, almost realistic, sometimes to the point of the triviality of Caravaggio's religious paintings - whose models, often chosen from among marginalized people and prostitutes. His works, even scandalous for the time, are those of an unapologetic religious man and enemy of Manichaeism. They demonstrate how civilization remains dependent on the inner conflicts of the soul.