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Low effort messages from dudes

TwinkleEyes​(dom female)
3 months ago • Jun 2, 2024
TwinkleEyes​(dom female) • Jun 2, 2024
Low-Effort messages are subjective as is everything in life. Things to consider when others are messaging…

-Introverted, shy, or extroverted
-Some people look good on paper, not in person, sound intriguing during text, and are socially awkward on a phone call
-single, poly, or in a monogamous relationship
-Working, retired, stay at home parent, volunteer
-Educational level, language barriers, time zones
-emotional intelligence, dealing with past trauma, loneliness
-How we were taught to communicate
-socioeconomic status

I believe it’s the individuals involved that cause low, high, medium, above bar messages and effort. Sometimes it’s a place in our lives. Such as a loved one getting cancer, someone dying, a loss of a job.We are each unique individuals and I feel it’s more important to build bridges of communication rather than blame the other side.
3 months ago • Jun 3, 2024
ByronDeSade • Jun 3, 2024
TBH, when you put extra effort into posts to others in this site, they're almost always downgraded by the the recipient. This may be because the average human alive today doesn't easily recognize intelligence, wit or creativity anymore. There are also a fair number of folks who naturally respond to communications with a default victim mentality, assuming others are seeking their degradation or aggravation -- or may be so caught up in their own aura that they cannot pull off being polite. Just my thoughts...Sean
3 months ago • Jun 3, 2024
ByronDeSade • Jun 3, 2024
And one more thought...our society has become so prone to offense, but especially with sex & dating, that comedy has been canceled. Now, in past times, comedy was a great balm for the human soul and a great ice breaking during tense moments. No longer. So we need to bring this back into human interactions and stop demanding to know..."who the hell do you think you are to presume I accept jokes"?!! It's about time to return to normalcy, friends. Sean
3 months ago • Jun 3, 2024
I'mME • Jun 3, 2024
There is joking, and then there is there are those who engage in negging. Some should learn the difference. If one is always getting or often getting the message that they are being rude, condescending , and always downgraded by the recipient, they may want to re-think what they wrote to people. (but once again people who engage in negging, aren't apt to change)

While I'm at it, don't call people liars when you wrote to them.

I may be many things ,but a great liar isn't amongst that list.

And YES, I get mofo offended when anybody calls me one. As a matter of fact it's only happened less than a handful of times.

I can guarantee that you do the same to others . Funny as great as you portray yourself, that someone hadn't snatched you up for their Dom.
3 months ago • Jun 3, 2024
ByronDeSade • Jun 3, 2024
I'mME -- Why assume that all criticism is true and fair? That's cynicism taking hold. After all, it wouldn't be right to assume a fan of Sowell is just a radical Libertarian with an angry-at-the-world attitude. Contra, old Thomas always demanded evidence before lowering the boom, I'mMEMy.