3 years ago •
Mar 22, 2021
3 years ago •
Mar 22, 2021
Long ago, when there was a girl, I would always get up before she did and I would make a pot of coffee, pour two cups, set them on a tray. I would mix her coffee with milk and sugar the way she like it. I would bring the tray in the bedroom and wake her if she wasn't already awake by that time, give her a good squeeze and kiss good morning and hand her cup to her. "thank you sir" she would say. We would talk while drinking our coffee and I would remind her to look at the TTD list on the refrigerator door. TTD = Things To Do. Usually it was all just stuff she needed or wanted to get done. Then I would give a kiss goodbye and go to work. When I came home, she would be waiting for me at the back door. Another kiss and I would be off to do some household chore, work in the vegetable garden or garage project for an hour or two. When finished, I would come in and get cleaned up while she made supper. (the menu was pre-planned). While dining, she would tell me all she did and things that happened that day. If she had a problem with something or someone, I would show her how to fix the problem and watch her do it. If one of her friends or relatives gave her some grief, I would advise her in a way that would preserve her happiness without causing harm to others. We don't have automatic dishwasher or sink disposal, so I would place any table scraps in a large plastic can with snap-on lid for later burying in the garden Sunday afternoons. We washed and dried dishes together.
Most evenings were filled with some type of chore, or several small chores and Thursday night was always errand night (recycling, mail drop-off, laundry, grocery and hardware store if needed). She would always ride shotgun when we went on our errands whether she needed to or not. That way we could be together.
Before bedtime, we would shower if we hadn't already. If it was an adult playtime night, I would instigate foreplay and she would giggle, at least until the flogger came out.
If she had been a bad girl that day, there would be no foreplay and the bondage and whips tend to get meaner.