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Verbal Humiliation

2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021

Verbal Humiliation

Roller • Aug 15, 2021
Is verbal humiliation a fetish? Insulting someone?
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021
Roller • Aug 15, 2021
Thank you
Antoniii​(switch male)
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021
Antoniii​(switch male) • Aug 15, 2021
Yea I think so...I like it myself personally giving and receiving...I think it's a valuable part of some adds to whatever situation you're in...if you can have the conversation with your partner do it... Transition into it the best way you can and go from there...She might like it too you never kno until you try
Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 15, 2021
It depends on the nature of the verbal humiliation, where it takes place, and the willingness of both to engage in/receive it.

If all those boxes are checked it's a fetish. if it is carried a bit too far or is done in inappopriate places, such as around people neither of you know, then it's abuse.

Unfortunately all too often what starts out as something both get their rocks off on can be taken too far and it becomes an "issue".

Speaking of the "nature" of such verbal humiliation, it should not include personal low-blows or attacks on what someone enjoys, family mebers not in BDSM or its various fetishes.. That's a "beyond the line" kind of thing.
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Antoniii​(switch male)
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021
Antoniii​(switch male) • Aug 15, 2021 long as their are defined lines everything should be fine but please have that conversation in order to gain understanding of what's appropriate and not appropriate...nothing personal ever...but if it heightens the mood in a pleasurable way then embrace it...and find your excitement lol.
I love it when it's done the right way...nothing personal just strictly about our immediate subject matter lol and the qualities that you display.
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021
Roller • Aug 15, 2021
Thank you all so much.
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021
Roller • Aug 15, 2021
That is what I would like but no one close would do it.
Sasa​(dom female)
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2021
Sasa​(dom female) • Aug 15, 2021
humiliation has a million faces and but I believe there should be rules and boundaries. Before someone is doing that he or she has to know you very well. Nobody wants to step on a landmine and cause serious injuries. By the way, this applies to both sides of the slash, we all have triggers and aftercare is huge here for both if it's serious. It could be also a tiny part of a scene for example, or just a little experience while you're out shopping with your partner. It isn't my kink, just something to add. Hope you will find your someone.