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Watching out for each other.

Dhalia​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 6, 2018

Watching out for each other.

Dhalia​(sub female) • May 6, 2018
I entered the lobby today after a “dom” started playing with me after a brief discussion. He had the act down pat to start but the cracks started showing fast. He was talking aboit talking to multiple subs, i was a “ high maitenance female because i questioned him and had self esteem i guess. From the very beginning that i entered bdsm sites on kik, the cage and tumblr, female submissives watched out for each other. If a “dom” was using and abusing girls we spoke up. Protected new, young subs. This was a new world for me as i had only experienced RL. So i went to the lobby to warn subs and was treated like a complete asshole. This lifestyle has always been about communication and trust and looking out for each other. What a disappointment. I have been with the cage for a while but i have to say i dont know for how much longer.
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
DrWakko • May 6, 2018
The people of the cage do watch out for each other. They are quick to jump on people violating others as well as disrespecting others. I can not speak for anyone else as to what happened when you went into chat. I know I was there but not really paying attention. I saw you say something before you left and those in the room did ask you to explain, but you didn't.

I would chalk this up to miscommunication and join us in chat sometime.
Dhalia​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
Dhalia​(sub female) • May 6, 2018
Miscommunication is when someone is misunderstood or has had a failure to communicate. I think we need to look up condescending and unwelcoming myself.
Centipede​(dom male){Sparkles}
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
I've been here for only a few months, but I saw this happen some times by now and everytime I always saw the people come together and watch out for each other. In fact once I had many people watching out for me after a bad experience in my first Month!
    The most loved post in topic
rosethorn​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
rosethorn​(sub female) • May 6, 2018
the admin team are very good from my experience with this site if you take a screen shot, block the person and send the screen shot to admin they can ban them from the site icon_smile.gif i hope this helps and I'm sorry to hear it went really badly
Dhalia​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
Dhalia​(sub female) • May 6, 2018
Thank you Rosethorn. It didn’t go badly for me because the red flags were waving pretty quickly. I have experience. The only reason i posted was for new subs. But i appreciate the words.

Last edited by * on Sun May 06, 2018 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total
dollMaker​(dom male)
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
dollMaker​(dom male) • May 6, 2018
I did not see the occurrence not having been in the Lobby when this occurred but I have on a number of occasions witnessed the, what I would call, core users of the chat room do exactly this look out for each other and tackle bad behaviour, and report these people to the site owners. I don't want to try and guess what happened or why it went as you say, but there is a community spirit here and many actively look out for Cage members whether new or longer established.

I am sorry this did not happen in your case.

What I would suggest, if you feel this individual is a risk, is pass on the details to the site Owners, Cage Monkey and Evangeline and even if this time there isn't enough to have them banned, a record of this incident might help add more weight if there is a future issue, which could see them removed at that point.

I hope this bad experience doesn't put you off the decent people on the Cage and Lobby users.
Dhalia​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
Dhalia​(sub female) • May 6, 2018
I appreciate the post dollMaker. It could have been one of those situations full of misunderstandings. I hope care is taken when and if it happens again. I don’t usually post in the lobby but had said hello earlier in the evening. I was also still trying to figure out how to post which led to an initial error to start. All i am asking is do not make assumptions about people especially so vocally in a group situation. I am not going to post names. I will contact admins about him.
rosethorn​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 6, 2018
rosethorn​(sub female) • May 6, 2018
personally, i can appreciate that when i first came to the site, i had a bad experience with a dom it was a misunderstanding with how i post things ect and the response i got said it all but it was more difficult than it needed to be
kinkerbell123​(sub female){FckCollars}
6 years ago • May 7, 2018
Dhalia wrote:
Miscommunication is when someone is misunderstood or has had a failure to communicate. I think we need to look up condescending and unwelcoming myself.

Will I find your picture next to that first definition because damn, that was... special.

Here's the thing- I didn't see this happen but you're saying a Dom who was not in chat (I'm guessing because you would've already otherwise been in the lobby, right?) treated you poorly. You came to warn other people. I find that odd because generally if it's not happening while someone is actively in the chat room I just block and move on. Otherwise it kind of comes off as attention/drama seeking. It's entirely unrealistic and impossible for any website to "protect" everyone from predatory and jackass behavioral issues. If your warning were sincere instead of attention seeking you probably could've just popped in and said "Hey, xxx is kind of not a great person to interact with" and known that you'd done your part. Instead what you've done is bring the drama from your private convo into chat and then a forum post. A forum post that insinuated we are not a group that cares for or looks out for vulnerable individuals. Not the best way to let anyone know that your report of mistreatment was credible. Maybe the best approach would've been to ask in the lobby for names of people in charge that you can file a report to. There are options here to make sure unsafe individuals are removed. You just opted not to use them.