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Y/you capital and lower case...

hiraethslave​(sub female){unavailabl}
5 years ago • Feb 22, 2019
MasterBear wrote:

"Some sources believe that BDSM capitalization came into practice with Old Guard Leather guidelines which insisted submissives use only the third-person to refer to themselves. Another theory is that the practice sprung from chatrooms where the capitalization helped convey participants’ roles to the online community."

You beat me to it!

I was going to say that as far as I'm aware it sprung up around IRC way back when *wave if you were there* and dedicated chatrooms for the like minded. I would say it was probably influenced by the Old Guard and the protocols, but the majority of that interaction was face to face ( and third person irrespective of capitalization rules, similar to Gorean writings).

I do it when I'm in private conversation with One I respect, but that respect has to be established first, be it from watching Their interactions or reading what They write. I will then carry that over to comments regarding Them as well. Similarly, I might refer to someone as Sir or Ma'am and follow with ( respect) clarifying it is respect not personal affiliation I am communicating. I've yet to meet anyone offended by this but One, and once explained all was peachy keen.
~ faith