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Onlinedomguy​(dom male)
4 years ago • Apr 24, 2020
Onlinedomguy​(dom male) • Apr 24, 2020
i think honestly is the basis for any relationship. Does not mean you have to disclose everything about yourself as you move into a new relationship or dynamic, but if you are misleading or outright lying, then for me that would be a problem.

Of course the other issue for me would be wondering what else may be untrue. Trust is everything to me. if i can't trust you or you me, then we aren't a good match.
The Bull​(dom male)
4 years ago • Apr 24, 2020
The Bull​(dom male) • Apr 24, 2020
I know that the terminology of the word consensual relates to the 'sexual acts' only (think sexual assault).
If a potential sexual or relationship partner is dishonest in disclosing their marital or relationship status or that they have other 'playmates ' on the side ,that would not rise to the level of an offense against someone's consent.
Instead I would agree with the wise Ms.Bonnie , that It is deceitful, dishonest and a breach of trust to be sure. Like everyone knows, a healthy D/s relationship is built on trust, and once that trust is gone, it is GONE!
Have a great weekend everyone!
skyrich​(dom male){rottenbrat}
4 years ago • Apr 24, 2020
Quote: How does the concept of informed consent relate to being upfront and honest about relationship status?

Therein lies the rub. INFORMED consent is required. How can you be informed if you're being lied to? Consent in such situations is not only meaningless, it's essentially absent.

If someone tells me that the Earth is flat, and I consent to that, does it make the Earth flat? Clearly not. Likewise if someone is being dishonest about the relationship... well, I have to ask: is there really a relationship at all? That's a big nope sandwich with extra nope sauce.
