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4 years ago • Apr 20, 2020
LordofPain56 • Apr 20, 2020
Well about the job thing, I will just use an example. I knew someone who started his own business (successful too I might add). He started just by reading library books on HVAC design and learned all the facets of the business. At that time though, this was just a second job for him as he was already well established in a different line of un-related work. Now obviously it took a loan to get started and he bought used tools from shops that had closed and at first rented a shop building but a few years later he moved out and bought another vacant shop.
Heating and air conditioning is really not as hard to maneuver in as some other businesses and it is pretty easy to learn.
1) learn the mechanics of the business
2) find a place to work (buy or rent) may need to get small business loan.
3) select a brand and a distributor of those products based upon what they offer in the way of discounts/volume and guarantees/warranties. Pick the best one.
4) Get shop tools and a truck with hand dolly.
5) hire a tenor (or plan to do that work yourself)
6) advertise
rottenbrat​(sub female){Skyrich}
4 years ago • Apr 20, 2020
"Take responsibility for the relationship. Own it. Be the leader. Inspire her to follow your lead. You will, therefore, learn what it means to be a dominant. And, who knows, you may just draw out her submission in the process. Just take it slow, don't start with the whips and chains. Be the guy that she can trust always. Do *that*, and you'll be well on your way."

There you go again..... making complete sense..... 😉

Drawing submission out through natural interaction happens more than we realize. I had a recent interaction with my man who is every bit a dom... I was out of contact with him for much longer than normal. It wasn't just a couple hours, it was more than 4. I was catching up with an old friend, and he knew this part, but when I didn't respond to his question of "are you ok?" (I thoughtlessly left my phone in my car) he started worrying about my safety, and his mind was wandering.
When I got back to my car, I called him right away, and immediately heard and felt his distress. He wasn't angry with me, and didn't try to manipulate or shame me into being contrite and apologetic. I went there naturally on my own because he simply expressed how worried he was, and I hated (and still hate) that I caused him to worry. Had I been in front of him at the time, I would have been on my knees with my arms around him and my head in his lap in a second. Needless to say, I won't be leaving my phone in the car in the near future. He naturally inspired me to take his concerns and our connection seriously by just being honest. He didn't demand anything.... I am choosing to give my submission out of respect for him.
JohnBond​(dom male){Kitten}
4 years ago • Apr 20, 2020
Wolfwhip wrote:
Very well said everyone, thanks for the opinions and insightful comments. I simply hope this thread helps others out and answers the questions that I've been asking myself. Good to see you all understand the situation and have great recommendations. As for me, what more can I do but learn and grow as a person? If I must do that alone for a time, so be it.

I would definitely say go find a community if possible, MAYBE not right this second but in general communities are great places to build resources and grow. Also communities give you a chance to display your competencies and attitudes about building them. A local rope bunny may see that you haven't mastered the art of rigging yet, but are super fun to learn with and give off whatever vibe they're looking for. Most communities have enthusiasts from all different types of play that come together to practice and share their craft with others and they are often more than happy to share what they know with you, or be a resource available to answer your questions.

Without a community it is definitely harder for a young sub, and rightfully so I would believe. I am just now 29 and have been at it for a couple years and still don't know hardly enough. Practice, patience, passion, and time are all required to forge a good Dom / Top. What is even still more difficult is that there are both hard and soft skills involved. You have to learn the knots, the strokes, the different tools, techniques, warning signs, and emergency response techniques and also build effective communication skills. All of these things will be easier to pick up if you can go find a group of people to sit with and learn from.

Go find the community, make good friends, build relationships, BE a good friend, and contribute positively! Maybe today it's helping setup a classroom, or attending 101 courses, but tomorrow it could be DMing, teaching 101 classes, or mentoring others starting their journey.
4 years ago • Apr 20, 2020
trainerforsubs • Apr 20, 2020
It may sound strange , But I learned a lot years ago talking with experienced submissive women. They were quite open with what gave them pleasure and what did not . One in particular described in detail about the sensation of being whipped and clamped. Another told me about her Dom sharing her with his friends. Domination/submission is a mutual arrangement and learning about it from both perspectives really helped me.
4 years ago • Apr 20, 2020
CrazyCoco • Apr 20, 2020
Vanilla relationships is where everything starts. For example, if you cannot maintain a vanilla relationship, what hope someone could have in a dom/sub relationship? hahaha. Start learning about communication styles, trauma, and projections. Women want to be dominated, but by people who can communicate, have emotional intelligence and are happy with their lives.