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4 years ago • May 11, 2020

I want a crush...

ThirtyFourPointFive • May 11, 2020
Do you remember your first crush? You cannot think about anything else, you cannot sleep because your mind is racing, you do not want to do anything but sit around and wait for the call?

I don't know if that is possible at my age, but it would be so great to experience that kind of all out emotion again.

I don't care what you are or who you are if you can give me that.
4 years ago • May 11, 2020
LordofPain56 • May 11, 2020
My guess is....someone at some point read your profile, contacted you and you've traded a few messages back and forth. I'm sure you read his profile. Maybe you saw nothing objectionable to you. So far so good. If you did see something you were concerned about or needed more clarification, did you ask him about it? Let things flow and soak up all the revelations you find about him over time.
Being an unusually analytical, logical and practical Dom, I have a list of "deal-breakers" that I watch out for. Given enough time passing by, if my questions are not all answered, I will force the issue for a response. If all is favorable up to that point, I submit a "covenant" which she can either agree to, completely dis-agree to, or ask for a compromise on some issues. If she agrees, or compromises have been gained, it is now time to make plans to meet in person.
I don't expect girls to do all this. To me it is the responsibility of the Dom. But she should KNOW herself, know what she wants and I recommend she keeps a list of "deal-breakers".
once orchid{None}
4 years ago • May 11, 2020
once orchid{None} • May 11, 2020
Crushes and what they can lead to...simply divine. <3