Hypnotist wrote:
MissBonnie wrote:
Science shows the hypnosis only works on some. Science also shows that it only works on you, if you secretly want it too and are susceptible to it. So if you take science into account there is no harm in playing with it...as your not going to do what you really don't want to.
This is inaccurate information actually. You neither have to secretly want it, nor do you have to be susceptible to it.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Maybe the research has been updated since I last looked or had to deal with it in my line of work. If it has I apologize. I have a background in psychological therapy process and its practices but I have been non practicing for a few years now (approx three~ish)
I should of been clearer on what I did say. Hypnosis is a well-studied and legitimate form of adjunct treatment for conditions ranging from obesity and pain after surgery to anxiety and stress. In a therapy setting it is beneficial to "some" and has a wonderful therapeutic benefits, others not so much, although they can often reach a deep state of relaxation . BOTH of which, I will agree with you are BENEFICIAL to the receiver.
That BENEFICIAL process within BDSM is a tool that has many uses. Guided conversations or behavioral therapy (under hypnosis or not) of any type, can have a powerful impact on behavior and feelings. Our brain is an incredible, complex organ, it works best when there is a limit to the incoming data. Too much stimulation at one time can interfere with our ability to focus....so of course it goes to show that used in BDSM it has uses also! Relaxed ANYBODY is more open to suggestions and *if* hypnosis works for the individual, then BOTH are a bonus.
Research I had read was in the Archives of General Psychiatry, that explains why hypnosis doesn't work for all ( I will try locate it for you if you like? ). In short it outlines why, not everyone is able to be hypnotized, and research from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows how the brains of such people differ from those who can easily be. I do remember in the article it did also say that those able to be hypnotized, the two areas of the brain that are responsible for processing and controlling what’s going on in your body show greater activity during hypnosis. And likewise, the area of your brain that’s responsible for your actions and the area that is aware of those actions appear to be disconnected during hypnosis. So I will agree with you, that when it does work with a person, it works!
I think its best to look at it, that if it makes your world turn, then more power to you! BDSM is about using what works for YOU and YOURS.