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Not listening to boundries?

3 months ago • Jun 6, 2024
Grizzledoldman • Jun 6, 2024
Deep respect for aradialspire! Gender in this case makes no difference. She hit all the right tones!
tallslenderguy​(other male)
3 months ago • Jun 6, 2024
Really just underlining what others have said, maybe using a different colors highlighter.

i think "listening" is foundational to relationship, no matter what it's form. i think this person hears, but they do not care or want to respect what they have 'heard' or know. That to me is not "dom," and this is not a matter of "fake" or "real" dom or sub. To me, it's about immaturity and the ignorance that often accompanies it.

i believe submission is given, not taken, in a healthy, whole D/s dynamic. i think ignoring boundaries does not result in submission, it is instead a violation of submission. i think it's selfish and childish at best. It denies connection and relationship, it is one sided. i think the person doing it is not relationship ready.