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SirDomCE​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 29, 2024
SirDomCE​(dom male) • Jul 29, 2024
@ Sin: Well said. With your submission, trust, and respect the Dom in this case appeared (I do NOT know the circumstances) to NOT return to you the dedication and honor to help you see yourself as worthy of NOT only him but also as worthy of yourself. Part of the protection from all including oneself (self-worthiness) and the caring for. Just saying (only an opinion).
intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 29, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Jul 29, 2024
Sincorrigible wrote:
Yes... Respect and a sense of value, worth, when looking at oneself. This, for me translates to looking for that, looking to respect value and find worthy others. I recently had an opportunity to reflect on this in an infant dynamic where I was constantly being asked to look at myself and find myself worthy, of him. There is something intensely fucking kinky (and fodder for the submissive) in that. However, as you begin to realise that person isn't worthy of your respect (inconsistent, a little flaky, odd messages, fibbing etc) it is your own sense of self respect and self worth which kicks in to protect you. I think this man would have told me it was my ego blocking my true submissive. I reckon I know better. 😉

I reckon you do. How about standing in the mirror and finding reasons you respect/are worthy of yourself. A D might be too low of a bar. Although, I do see the kink in it. It's just what a D is getting from an s should be balanced by something of equal value on his side. What are you getting in exchange for your power? inconsistency, flakiness and dishonesty? As far as your ego blocking your submission goes... that would be his ego talking. Ego domming is more toxic than kinky.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
1 month ago • Jul 29, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Jul 29, 2024
To both of you gentlemen: at the end of the day, it is always about different perspectives and agendas.. But I think, if you have a sense of self awareness, self respect, and self worth, you can navigate the world much more healthily.

It has bothered me since my earliest days in the scene, both online and real life, how Ds is used by both sides to manipulate and prey on those who are still working on the above, and are therefore so very much more vulnerable. It's why I spend a good bit of my time here on the cage encouraging people to believe in themselves, trust their gut, and not be taken in by posturing and the fear that the scene somehow allows for different standards of decent behaviours.