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LadySusweca​(dom trans woman)
4 months ago • Sep 22, 2024
As a transgender woman, I will suggest the book Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg. It is from an FtM perspective but it may help.
I would also suggest finding a counselor or clinical social worker that has experience with the transgender community. They may be best at understanding what is going on. You can always message me also. I will do whatever I can to help without judgment.
You can't go into withdrawal from hormones and you won't get sick from stopping them but there will be biological changes as your body chemistry readjusts. Facial hair probably won't grow back if you had electrolysis. Breasts would need to be surgically removed. I know about the effects of having to stop hormones since I had to stop taking them due to a stroke risk.
Detransitioning has to be scary. We fight so hard to be who we are already. I remember when I came out back in the 90s and even doctors were horrible to the trans community. We carry a lot of trauma and you need to talk about that also. That may explain why your heart rate goes up and you get aggressive. You probably are having panic and anxiety.
I would not suggest YouTube videos since there is a lot of trans hatred going on there and the screwed up algorothm will suggest Ben Shapiro or any other right wingnut saying how wrong the trans community is.
BrittanyD​(switch female)
4 months ago • Sep 24, 2024
BrittanyD​(switch female) • Sep 24, 2024
this is exactly the reason that i believe the way things are being done in regards to trans youth needs to be changed. as a trans woman myself, things have become way to easy and accessible. in turn causing more people that may end up in this same situation to make a rash decision to start transitionbefore they truely know themselves and what they need long term. the number of teams people detransitioning these days is crazy and that is just adding fuel to the people that hate us. i am very sorry to say this, but there is very little that is out there that will be an actual benefit to you in this situation. most of not all of it out there is being pushed by the anti trans people or there. i wish you all the luck in finding helpful info. and a smooth journey to who and where you need to be.
Miss Anima​(dom female)
4 months ago • Sep 24, 2024
Miss Anima​(dom female) • Sep 24, 2024
dollMaker wrote:
I second that, there are not that many trans people here, and I suspect none have detransitioned, or, considering the hatred directed towards trans people, plus the lies and scapegoating going on, using detransitioning narratives to support that hatred/misinformation, I think you need to be very careful what you watch, read, and be aware there is often an agenda behind a lot of material, and its very much anti trans people.

What you are experiencing is kind of what I would expect you to be experiencing.

My first port of call though, would be local to you trans supporting charities, groups, who should be able to offer support, advice, even able to point you to detransitioning support groups, and medical advice. I would also directly seek medical advice from your Dr, regarding what effects there will be, in relation to whatever you were taking, and are no longer taking.

I wish I could offer more, I wish you the best on your journey.

This is the problem when people seek advice on detransitioning . As if they havent thought out what they are doing because it's some political agenda.