Sterenda(switch female){{owned}}
6 years ago •
May 6, 2018
6 years ago •
May 6, 2018
I'm mostly rehashing what the others said but i enjoy chatting with you and would miss you if you left. So yes being on basically rush when you first enter into the scene is 100% normal subs feel it doms feel it ((even if some swear they don't)) switches and everyone else experiences it. Its a new and potentially life changing chapter in your life. just like with energy other change there are hurdles you will have to sadly deal with losers, people stuck in fantasy land or just outright horrible dangerous people that should be reported and made to feel unwelcome often for the safety of newbies like you.
my personal rules for when I receive a dm are as follows. Is it a dom or straight male? first thing i look at is the info on the profile filled out (almost every time it wont be to any acceptable degree. 2 where do they claim to be located 3 if filled out do their intrests match my doms and I. 4 if there are pictures do I feel i could play with interact with etc for potentially the rest of my life ie are they extremely hard on the eyes, too small a dick for my tastes, do they rely on hiding behind make up so on.
Also the content of their message matters if it was some throw away line, their profiles blank and their role/ interests don't match i either don't reply have a bit of fun mocking them or also block them to keep them out of my hair. I am also very impatient with questions that could be answered very easily if they had bothered to read our entire profile. ((especially on fetlife where its very extensive and spells everything out etc.)) to me if they cant be bothered to read our profile why do I owe them any my time? other pet peeves that end things fast are the questions like can i have nudes or are you a boy or a girl or the follow up question do you have a penis? or if when i reply and ask them to tell me about themselves in detail btw they just say shit like i want to be dominated then start rambling off their fantasy.
A couple final notes to this wall of text. You don't owe any "dom" that dms you a fucking thing even less so if they act like you do based on your role or gender imo insta block the assholes who try that kinda thing.
Don't feel guilty for not replying, i understand the feeling where you might be missing out on the one you so desperately want but frankly 95% of the people who message you will be bots people who want money or just general shitlords/ kids
hell i'm not even good at taking my own advice that i just typed :3 I could proablly ramble more but gunna stop here with
My dms are always open for advice ranting or chatting.