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Question For The Guys

intenseoldman​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jun 13, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Jun 13, 2024
Stepping in front of my father to protect my mother when I was eight is the clearest memory of my protective instinct emerging. Since then I've stepped between a racist who accosted my family in a restaurant (my ex is Mexican), my current best friend and his brother, a student and her guardian, a man threatening violence to his wife... it just happens. I'm not big, tough, or skilled at martial arts, and it scares the shit out of me that I do it sometimes. I've been kicked, punched and choked, but luckily, never really hurt. It's like this little dog I had that would get between me and dogs big enough to bite him in half. He didn’t know any better. I think adrenaline kicks in and you just trigger, you don't think.

That's protective instinct. Real protection is looking out for someone's total being and being proactive in warding off things before they become a danger. Just exercising all precautions like having scissors at hand if you're going to tie someone up, checking in, safewords and aftercare... that's all protection. Not proceeding even if you have consent because it just feels wrong--that’s protection you don't just have by instinct. Real protection is something you are always learning, developing and perfecting.
2 months ago • Jun 13, 2024
lambsone • Jun 13, 2024
Thank you intenseoldman, some nice observations.