Miss Magdalena(sub female){FreeSpirit}
6 years ago •
Nov 16, 2018
6 years ago •
Nov 16, 2018
@ Masterbear,
I really enjoyed reading through the entirety of this forum. I think there is a general consensus of what is abuse to some, is not to others which is all well in good. From my personal experience, until you’re experienced and have an understanding of yourself, and of what a healthy relationship is, it’s hard to actually KNOW what is healthy and what is not. That’s just how I see it.
I think a lot of people, be it online or in person, will experience various forms of abuse, because when we step out in the world, we largely don’t know what we are getting into, and we will meet people we never dreamed possible. No amount of books can prepare you really, for what hormones, chemicals in the brain, and feelings can do to your mind and your body. How it can turn a relatively sensible person, into someone impulsive, someone willing to take risks, someone determined to find something fulfilling. I think it’s probably fair to say, that until you see or experience what unhealthy is, you probably won’t really know for sure.
That being said, I agree with what is being said. I am not necessarily one who enjoys physical pain and things of that nature, but I do enjoy a mental battle of wills and submitting to someone that can challenge me and bend me with their mind. I KNOW there is a degree of manipulation there, though knowingly, and it’s extremely exciting, or can be for some. Manipulation has a negative connotation to it, but it doesn’t always have to be so. I feel when you have a pretty good sense of self, you KNOW when your will is being molded or shaped, and for some, that is a very exciting thing. However, like anything like this, there is a level of danger there, which is why communication, trust, and building that foundation before you allow those things is so important. But again, I think it’s incredibly difficult to truly understand just HOW important those are, until you experience some form of loss, abuse, hurt, or some other kind of growing pain.
I hate being the one to say that in this life, hurt is inevitable, but honestly, it is. You can’t appreciate the value of something good until you understand what is bad. I truly believe that. I think a lot of people are going to get hurt, but even though that inevitability is there, it doesn’t change the fact that having friends, community, and resources can lessen or help that process for us all.
Having forum posts like this, is so helpful. Seeing people openly discussing consent vs abuse and what the difference is to them, is extremely important. Trying to differentiate between the two, and understanding that, to do that, in my opinion, is based largely on the individual(s), having a true understanding of ourself (self-awareness), and being able to have honest discussions with our partner. I think we often lie to ourselves and that creates huge problems, in any given situation.
We can’t just look at something on the surface and determine the validity and legitimacy of it’s depth and value. We also know, that there is a very real chance people will get hurt, be it through lies, bad forms of manipulation, and other sorts of mind fuckery. That is the chance everyone of us takes, when we open ourselves up to anyone we meet, and when we allow others inside.