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Dom loosing control

House Talion​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jun 8, 2022
House Talion​(dom male) • Jun 8, 2022
The inability of controlling such actions while inebriated isn't may seem like a loss of control where as it's most likely a lack of control. As liquor nullifies our reaction time and personal filters it enables the quicker response that is most likely of our actual personalities without the pressure of society. Any such actions without consent is a huge RED FLAG and should be condoned on the spot by the proper authorities of the venue or anyone Wirth their salt that has the balls to stand up for a sub publicly.
moll​(other female){owned slav}
2 years ago • Jun 8, 2022
House Talion wrote:
The inability of controlling such actions while inebriated isn't may seem like a loss of control where as it's most likely a lack of control. As liquor nullifies our reaction time and personal filters it enables the quicker response that is most likely of our actual personalities without the pressure of society. Any such actions without consent is a huge RED FLAG and should be condoned on the spot by the proper authorities of the venue or anyone Wirth their salt that has the balls to stand up for a sub publicly.

“In vino veritas”
2 years ago • Jun 8, 2022
I'mME • Jun 8, 2022
fifteen annakitten wrote:
"For the record, that sounds victim blaming...

This stinks."

Came here to say this. I'm assuming the irony is lost on the poster stated that.

Good morning,
I believe I understand the irony of the irony. I may be on the wrong track of this was meant to be my irony.
2 years ago • Jun 8, 2022
I'mME • Jun 8, 2022
cumkittykitty wrote:
I'mME wrote:
cumkittykitty wrote:
Dom Pinnacle wrote:
First of all, I love your name. Second of all, he's a butt crack for hitting you. BUT you have to hold yourself accountable for even dealing with a heavily intoxicated man during a scene. Never assume you know someone until you truly know them. Once he was drunk off his ass, the scene should have been a no no. It's a big lesson for you. I'm happy you weren't seriously injured. Leave him alone. Period.

You wrote that he was vetting you, were you vetting him? Are you a regular at the munch and/or is he?

Yes kick his ass to the curb, say vetting over, I decline, or nothing at all.
How long ago was this? Did he reach out to apologize?

I am sorry this happened to you. I am truly glad you are okay. There is something and someone better for you my dear.

I absolutely hold myself accountable for my actions and engaging in the conversation regarding my Vetting. It's not the first time I've seen him drunk, so I didn't really think much of it at the time. He's a heavy social drinker but in the past has always adhered to boundaries and formalities.
But this time I saw his other side. It was a shocking experience to say the least.

We were vetting eachother, when I feel ready to have a Dom again. He invited me to a few munches that we have been attending almost weekly for the past 3-4 months. We would also meet to chat about our interests, my grief, moving forward, etc. As I mentioned, drinking is a normal thing for him. Looking back, we maybe only had 2-3 one on one chats where he wasn't drinking. He was not drunk, per say, but now I'm reflecting and I think he could very well be a high functioning alcoholic. God, the more I think about this, the more red flags I'm seeing of how dangerous and out of control he could be. Talking to his current and former subs, they all mentioned that he drinks before and during scenes, and encourages them to do so too, but stoped short of outright calling him out for things going too far. They all sounded a bit scripted??? Similar words and phrasing kept coming up????
We had been socialising at some of the munches he invited me to for the past 6 months before moving on to vetting.

I never thought that you were being irresponsible. If it came off that way, I apologize. You did everything right, thank goodness. My questions were headed in the exact direction that you addressed in your post above. I was curious as to what other subs had to say about his drinking.
I have ignored warning signs [ different type of situation] but nonetheless I did not listen to my inner voice. I am still working on the getting rid of the negative self-talk I found myself frequently doing as a direct result of never being able to please someone. This is a habit that I definitely do not want to keep.

So the other subs all had similar answers, shame on the dungeon/club too.

I hope that the police department took the complaint seriously and pursues it, maybe it could be the catalyst for him to realize that some changes are in order.

The community keeps letting someone like that come around, one day it will backfire on all of them.

Take care and feel free to stop by and chat awhile. ☺️