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Do nice guys finish last even in kink??

1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023
Ms MaryJane{NOT LOOKIN} • Jun 13, 2023
you are given tips to help you not finish last but you have yet to take any. your profile is lazy and shows no personality. but yes let's blame the females for not being interested because you have no interest in putting in the work. nothing about that is attractive to a grown woman with her stuff together.
I feel like you have this sense entitlement to peeps who don't know you or owe you anything is way way too high.
1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023

Re: Do nice guys finish last even in kink??

I'mME • Jun 13, 2023
EclecticRhetoric wrote:
A woman told me she didn't think our profiles matched. I never portrayed myself as a bad or tough guy and have a more relaxed mellow vibe. However it seems women can judge the guy I am or what they think I am based on lack of information.
What I find interesting is If a woman went to a store and saw a shoe she wanted, she wouldn't assume it's out of stock. She would ask if they had her size. If the store clerk said they were sold out, she would ask when they are getting more. Women ask questions for things they want but make assumptions about things they don't want. Don't believe me?

She can say well he may be too short, or I don't think we are compatible because you live too far , I don't think we have the same taste. However they never asked your height, don't ask if you like long drives or ask your taste. When it's something they don't want many women can find an excuse why it's not for them but if it is something they do want they are eager to get the information or makes it theirs.

Don't believe me? A woman will chase a married man she likes and ignore a single guy who likes her.

If you message a woman on here and she takes 3 days. Message her and ask what do you assume about my page because she has some assumptions

Eclectic Rhetoric,
You had someone tell you that y'all's profile wasn't compatible . She wasn't interested. You give no information about yourself, that alone, for some women is a red flag.
You then write/give example that you were too short . You lived too far. You have NOTHING on your profile. These could not even be talked about bc you don't have anything personal or non personal on your profile. The little bit you do write says you need to chase me and ask me.

Nobody can ask you about things that you don't write in your profile. They aren't min readers.

Just because YOU like someone, doesn't mean they have to return the favor. Your words seem to suggest that she should choose you , whether she likes you are not, bc 'morally' you feel you are the better choice? It could be that they like this other person despite that they are married and really nothing to do with you..
Women have their own thoughts and dislikes and likes.

You can't complain about a woman not having anything to say about your page, bc there is nothing on your page. Maybe they don't want to have to drag small details about you
From you..
1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023
I'mME • Jun 13, 2023
EclecticRhetoric wrote:
Reading into it too much?

I see so when a job says we can't hire you because your a woman or sir, you would make a great fit for the position If you weren't too old. Are those nice ways of a job letting you down or is that called descriminarion? It sounds like you are justifying wrong actions with societies norms.

Let's look at this way, if your wife or girlfriend just cheats on you is that ok? According to your response, she's (A) compassionate enough towards you to not want to hurt your feelings, and (B) giving you the courtesy of an easy out

So technically it should be ok.. ?

Here is a thought. Unless an answer is yes for you, nothing a women could do will be okay or good enough.
1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023
I'mME • Jun 13, 2023
Ingénue wrote:
"women can judge the guy I am or what they think I am based on lack of information."

"Women ask questions for things they want but make assumptions about things they don't want."

"When it's something they don't want many women can find an excuse why it's not for them but if it is something they do want they are eager to get the information or makes it theirs."

Same old, same old from you, ER. The whingeing misogynistic tone and massive overgeneralisation in your forum posts might actively be a large red flag for people who read them.

Projection only gets you so far.

I went to his profile and then his post became a big red banner.
1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023
I'mME • Jun 13, 2023
Oceanic wrote:
I don't know how you keep managing to raise your level of red flaggery, but you do it every time you open your mouth. It would be impressive if it weren't so, so sad.

Incel energy ain't cute. Figure your shit out and stop blaming women for your inadequacies.

Nice guy (self-compliment) and then reading his examples .

It just pisses me off. Makes me want to go to the batting cages.
1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023
I'mME • Jun 13, 2023
aPeepingMom wrote:
It continues to blow my mind that people think they are entitled to detailed explanations for being told “no.”

> No, I’m not interested in you. Why? Because I said so.

> No, I don’t think I will reply to your message. Why? Because I don’t feel like it.

I can’t speak for the other women here, or on any other site, but before I reply to anyone’s messages, I look at their profile.

Do they have any pictures?
- are they generic or personalized in some way?
- are they mature?

I read what they have to say:
- is it well written?
- is it thoughtful? thought provoking?
- what expression do I have on my face as I’m reading? am I smiling or scowling/eye rolling?

And with all of these questions, there is no right or wrong answer. It depends on my mood at that given moment.

But if in that moment, I’m not feeling it… then I’m not feeling it. And I don’t owe anyone an explanation. Not a single rhyme or reason.

I understand that my harsh stance on things like this may turn many people off. But you know what I’m going to say, right?

(Answer: I don’t give a flying fuck.)

I'm harsh. I give zero fucks.
1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023
I'mME • Jun 13, 2023
EclecticRhetoric wrote:
Redlaggery?? When did this site become a punching bag for asking genuine questions. You all attacked me based on a genuine question. This is a free forum on a kink site. No one who responded is a black male on this site nor are they are in my age demographic or region so how can you tell me what kind of person I am?

What shocked me more than anybting is the ratiionality discrimination is ok as long as it doesn't apply to jobs because that's illegal and we have laws that protect employment ? What?

Your right. I will erase my page and copy someone else page. Because me writing anything is pointless.

Oh please, you have nothing written on your profile. I could have swore you had more on your profile back not that long ago.
You weren't just asking a question. You wanted to complain, why women will not interact with you after you told then you like them .instead they go off and chase a married man.

This statement says so much, and it caused the hair in my neck to stand up. SMH.
1 year ago • Jun 13, 2023
I'mME • Jun 13, 2023
EclecticRhetoric wrote:
Redlaggery?? When did this site become a punching bag for asking genuine questions. You all attacked me based on a genuine question. This is a free forum on a kink site. No one who responded is a black male on this site nor are they are in my age demographic or region so how can you tell me what kind of person I am?

What shocked me more than anybting is the ratiionality discrimination is ok as long as it doesn't apply to jobs because that's illegal and we have laws that protect employment ? What?

Your right. I will erase my page and copy someone else page. Because me writing anything is pointless.

Oh please, you have nothing written on your profile. I could have swore you had more on your profile back not that long ago.
You weren't just asking a question. You wanted to complain, why women will not interact with you after you told then you like them .instead they go off and chase a married man.

This statement says so much, and it caused the hair in my neck to stand up. SMH.