4 years ago •
May 17, 2020
4 years ago •
May 17, 2020
One day, an Elephant is walking thru the jungle and comes up on a big hole. He hears a "squeak squeak", looks down and there is a Mouse at the bottom of the hole.
"Hey man, what are ya doing down there?" The Mouse says " Well, I'm stuck down in this fucking hole and I can't get out. You get me out and you'll be my friend for life."
The Elephant says " No Problem, I'll just drop my big cock down into the hole and you can climb out on my cock.
So the Elephant "straddles the hole, drops his big cock down in the hole and the mouse climbs out. "Thanks man, you are my friend for life!."
One day, this same mouse is walking thru the jungle and comes upon this same big hole. He hears an awful noise, looks down and here is this same Elephant at the bottom of the hole.
"Hey man, what are ya doing down there?" The Elephant says " Well, I'm stuck down in this fucking hole and I can't get out. You get me out and you'll be my friend for life."
The Mouse says " No problem, I go back to the house, get my Corvette and I'll pull you out."
So the Mouse gets his Corvette, backs up to the hole, ties a rope around the bumper, the Elephant ties himself to the rope and the mouse pulls him out. " Thanks man, you are my friend for life!"
So, Do you know what the moral of the story is?
If you've got a big cock, you don't need a Corvette.