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Getting used to drinking piss

2 years ago • Jun 8, 2022
I'mME • Jun 8, 2022
JustAlice wrote:
I used to drink piss every day with zero issues. Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it but had no negative effect on my health whatsoever.
Water is your friend.

Water may be our friend, however, but what was okay for you may not be okay for others. Each individual can have things going on that would make their urine not good at all for you to take in.
2 years ago • Jun 8, 2022
Zelia • Jun 8, 2022
I'mME wrote:
JustAlice wrote:
I used to drink piss every day with zero issues. Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it but had no negative effect on my health whatsoever.
Water is your friend.

Water may be our friend, however, but what was okay for you may not be okay for others. Each individual can have things going on that would make their urine not good at all for you to take in.

I didn’t say it was okay for others! Not once. I shared my experience.
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker}
2 years ago • Jun 9, 2022
I'mME wrote:
Water may be our friend, however, but what was okay for you may not be okay for others. Each individual can have things going on that would make their urine not good at all for you to take in.
I saw nothing to indicate she was speaking on anyone's behalf other than her own.
2 years ago • Jun 9, 2022
trainerforsubs • Jun 9, 2022
There are some types of piss play that are less intense than drinking the liquid. One of them is just dipping or wetting a finger and tasting it. The other is smelling it. The first piss in the morning is usually very pungent.
2 years ago • Jun 10, 2022

Re: Getting used to drinking piss

MsTakeU • Jun 10, 2022
comrade wrote:
I love how degrading and vulnerable piss play makes me feel and would love to get more into watersports, I just can't drink more than a mouthful of pee because of the taste. Any tips on how to get more comfortable with drinking piss?

This thread is three and a half months old, and maybe this post will be just more fodder, but I didn't see anyone suggest this.

The question is "I just can't drink more than a mouthful of pee because of the taste. Any tips on how to get more comfortable with drinking piss?"

Mix it with apple juice (or clear grape juice)

Using your favorite wine glass start with a third of the glass filled with pee, and fill the rest of the glass with apple juice.

Over time, as a taste is acquired, fill halfway with pee, half with juice. One can eventually move on to more pee and less juice as they see fit.

Keeping a wine bottle in the fridge full of pee makes it more convenient.

I promise the conundrum of should I do this for my Mistress/Master/insert-title, or not, the degradation of the act, and the pride of achievement are all certainly still there.

Please note, that the question was about drinking pee, not about being pissed on while drinking pee, thus I didn't address that topic, which certainly is a significant and exciting scene.


Ms. Liz
2 years ago • Jun 11, 2022
I'mME • Jun 11, 2022
JustAlice wrote:
But wait. Besides the fact that drinking urine is kinda gross, doesn't it contain chemicals the body's trying to get rid of? Isn't that the whole point of urinating?

Kinda gross
Kinda kink shaming?

A particular kink comes w/ potential health risks, then all then known information needs to reach as many years as possible. M
Not everyone uses R. A. C. K . It was a link 4hat was put up, not authored by the person who listed it.
2 years ago • Jun 11, 2022
I'mME • Jun 11, 2022
JustAlice wrote:
DomInVA wrote:
JustAlice wrote:
DomInVA wrote:
JustAlice wrote:
I used to drink piss every day with zero issues. Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it but had no negative effect on my health whatsoever.
Water is your friend.

What was the ratio of urine intake to all other fluid intake?

I train and run a lot so my water intake is high, therefore the ratio was also high on the side of water. If you’re also drinking piss from someone who drinks a lot of water then the piss is practically clear and tasteless.

Concentration of toxins was going to be my next point. Good job and thank you for beating me to the punch.

It’s a really effective way of ensuring a sub drinks enough water, and making her acutely aware of the times when she doesn’t.

This is total rhetoric, okay.

I am not sure what the undercurrent is about on this platform and I do not care.
However if people want to act like they are in middle school, I can certainly start pushing back.
I assure you I left middle school a long long time ago.
2 years ago • Jun 11, 2022
I'mME • Jun 11, 2022
JustAlice wrote:
trainerforsubs wrote:
If one is concerned about health effects, having a sub just rinse his or her mouth out with piss might be solution. I think the mental effect would be the same.

I think that there’s a difference between consuming and tasting.

I have no concern about the health effects. I drank a glass of piss every day for months and had no negative effects whatsoever.

As I stated before, you and your situation do not define every situation. And before you come back with
'' I am only speaking of me, my situation, etc"

You are trying to fly under the radar and imply that piss is harmless. That may or may not be true for you and the same goes for everyone 2lsr.
People have to make that choice for themselves.
This discussion is only about how the kink of piss drinking makes those individuals feel that I have tried it. The feelings it evokes.

We get that you drank piss , a glass a day, for over a year. It helped you get your daily amount of H20 in and never ever had a injurious result.
2 years ago • Jun 11, 2022
I'mME • Jun 11, 2022
I'mME wrote:
JustAlice wrote:
trainerforsubs wrote:
If one is concerned about health effects, having a sub just rinse his or her mouth out with piss might be solution. I think the mental effect would be the same.

I think that there’s a difference between consuming and tasting.

I have no concern about the health effects. I drank a glass of piss every day for months and had no negative effects whatsoever.

not a year, but months

As I stated before, you and your situation do not define every situation. And before you come back with
'' I am only speaking of me, my situation, etc"

You are trying to fly under the radar and imply that piss is harmless. That may or may not be true for you and the same goes for everyone 2lsr.
People have to make that choice for themselves.
This discussion is only about how the kink of piss drinking makes those individuals feel that I have tried it. The feelings it evokes.

We get that you drank piss , a glass a day, for over a year. It helped you get your daily amount of H20 in and never ever had a injurious result.
2 years ago • Jun 11, 2022
I'mME • Jun 11, 2022
Spellbound Wytch wrote:
JustAlice wrote:
Interesting. I’ve never seen it that way. So much of what I do and want to do is simple obedience.
I'm not a "natural submissive" and have never represented myself as one. In fact, as a child I displayed all the behaviors of what is now known as ODD (oppositional defiance disorder). 🤣

Mr. Parker is only the third man I've entered into a D/s relationship with but I've had multiple play partners. And wow! There is a difference. What I see being expressed by a lot of subs here is how much they enjoy a particular act because it plays into and indulges their own kink but they don't usually mention "I do this for my dominant because he asks it of me". It's refreshing to see someone coming at a topic from your perspective rather than the usual "it gets *me* off" point of view frequently seen here.

I have stated this to another me, ber on this platform, end now I am stating it to you. I do not know what the undercurrent is about on this platform. The little under the radar digs at people, you and your cohort. It seems that people are side-stepping, going around all this tension. I do not have an ax to grind, I do not know what has created all this. I do come and go from here, but this was not a thing last time I was spending time here [last year]. I wish whomever would come together and tell it out. I will not side step this behavior if it lands on my doorstep again. I am not going to live with crap like this sitting on me. I will spread it back to the appropriate parties, but that is crap behavior too. If I can be an ear for anyone, facilitate a clearing the air get together, anything to help in my limited capacity, just let me know.