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Forum Fightclub

Dom Pinnacle​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jun 11, 2024
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male) • Jun 11, 2024
Hello everyone!!

It's been a while. I stepped away from the site because even though I had a few buddies here, I always seemed to get hit with an online brick. And a couple of those people have been banned (shhh don't say the names out loud).

My opinions are strong. Ain't no doubt about that. But it's never been my intention to start fights. Although I will defend myself from outright disrespect.

What I've learned is that no matter how clear you think you're getting a point across, some just can't be moved. And that's alright. Peace of mind is much more important to me these days than out screaming someone I've never met over the net.

I hope you're all doing well. And I wish y'all the best.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 months ago • Jun 12, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 12, 2024
Nice to see you back, Dom Pickle.

I never started fights but sometimes I get punchy-- however I have learned to avoid this behavior.... If someone frosts my ass (not at all recently)-- I decided just to ignore them and move on.

As it is, I seldom revisit a thread. I say my piece but don't come back to see any possible responses, pos or neg.

Letting people get to me just isn't worth it. There are plenty of other ways to get pissed off.


... like when someone finishes the coffee in the break room, or almost, leaving maybe a half cup of very overheated mud
... like (again at work) some buttcrack uses the last copy of some document without running off copies
... best of all when the Custodial Services are lazy and don't refill the ass paper dispenser
... oh yeah, in the Unisex crapper, some dude doesn't put the fucking seat down after he hangs a leak

I could go on with the shit list all night but I'm sure my point is made. If my assorted workmates keep this up, I'll simply throw some cauliflower (or popcorn) in the damned microwave and set it for something ridiculous like 30 minutes. I read that cauliflower, when burned, smells like Hell farted. That'll fix their wagons!
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jun 12, 2024
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male) • Jun 12, 2024
Hi Miki,

Dom pickle? LMAO...I miss you too. You still have that sharp sense of humor I see. I'm happy you're doing well,but please, pretty please...don't do the cauliflower bit, unless it's your last day there lol.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 months ago • Jun 13, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 13, 2024
Dom Pinnacle wrote:
Hi Miki,

Dom pickle? LMAO...I miss you too. You still have that sharp sense of humor I see. I'm happy you're doing well,but please, pretty please...don't do the cauliflower bit, unless it's your last day there lol.

[Sorry folks. . This'll be my last "off-topic" post]

Dom Pickle... Made me think of a horrible vintage champaign laced with pickle juice.

But I digress.. Nuking les Choux-fleurs is only an ideation for bad-mannered coworkers. I doubt I'd do that but it wouldn't be my last night because I have means of doing such things and making a clean getaway. The only time I didn't was the completely accidental incident where I put one of those infernal bags of popcorn in the micro and setting it for 30 minutes not 3 as I meant to. I went back to my little cubicle to take care of a few things, got distracted and only when the visual smoke alarm thing above my desk started blinking and almost at the same time the aroma of burning popcorn. (not even Skinny Pop!) did I start to realize I might have mis-timed the micro.

(They have since replaced them all with the ones that have preset buttons only, and a dedicated popcorn button)

The one I used, well, it was all melted inside and they had to file it.

Anyway, that horrible smoke was billowing out of the break room and since smoke likes to rise, it headed straight up the stairs to where the Suits hang out by day. (I work Overnights, usually alone but am in here on some days for useless and boring meetings and shit)

That malevolent aroma is all-permeating and inescapable, I'm afraid. When those stuff-shirt dudes came in next morning well, it was a long day upstairs for them. They cornered me and I had to eat a shit sandwich. I was banned from the Eating Room for a month. I had to brown bag it. So I'd usually bring egg salad sandwiches.

Alas I digress as I am oft wont to do. the cauliflower is but a thought. Don't worry...

But as for making clean getaways, back in college we had a shitty Greasy Spoon diner not far off campus. The food wasn't bad but don't look around too far, you won't see the roaches (2 legged ones)

To make it quick: They fucked up my cheeseburger. The cook was rude, I went back to school and wrote it all down for my friends, many of which were frat boys.. One supplied me with a cherry bomb. I went back and into the shithouse and did the usual college thing I guess, but I only thought it would blow the seat off the thing.. No, it blew the fucking crapper apart. I left before anyone responded to what must have been loud noise. Sure felt like it. But instead of running away from the place I walked slowly with my usual "snooty Asian look" and none thought about it twice.

You see, with my looks, I'm simply above reproach.
A Minx
2 months ago • Jun 14, 2024
A Minx • Jun 14, 2024
GOTTA 💖 ME SOME Miki! such a pisser (said in a very Bostonian accent)! 😝
Miki​(masochist female)
2 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 15, 2024
A Minx wrote:
GOTTA 💖 ME SOME Miki! such a pisser (said in a very Bostonian accent)! 😝

Bostonian accent. I had read where they talk funny in Boston (NYC, too) but I'd have to take your word for it.
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
Ingénue{VK} • Jul 9, 2024
Oh look. Popcorn..
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 9, 2024
Ingénue wrote:
Oh look. Popcorn..

What she said
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Jul 9, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 9, 2024
Popcorn... well, it's OK...

Pop Farts... err, I mean Pop Tarts, however... much better!

... except the last time I went to toast one (unfortunately) at work, the crap they pack inside leaked out and gunked up the mechanism enough where the carriage couldn't pop up easily enough and the system faulted.

A coworker heard whatever noise that infernal machine was making because it couldn't pop the tart... and saved the day. I really don't need to screw up any more equipment in the Company eating room.

Alas, my tasty pastry was ruined, and the toaster was temporarily out of service until the janitor or whoever maintains that kind of shit took it to the shop and cleaned it. Now they have posted a new sign: "This Toaster is for Bread Only"


I thought about making a comeback post with the "Not by bread alone..." saying, but that particular night I left my inner smart ass at home.