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At which age did you realize your submission or Dominance?

OneStripe​(dom male)
3 years ago • Feb 13, 2021

About 2 seconds after I saw the welt on her back

OneStripe​(dom male) • Feb 13, 2021
I was 16 and in the first madness of a passionate and very sexual and totally inappropriate affair with the 32yo school bookkeeper who was also my best friend’s stepmother.

So many moral fails in that paragraph but I was at boarding school and the only male under 18 for miles getting laid so I may have crossed some lines I shouldn’t have.

One day she mentioned that she had enjoyed how I had corrected her when she was rude and asked if I would punish her. I was 16 and militantly against striking a woman in any way, an attitude forged in some violent domestic incidents I had witnessed. I pushed back at first but she was quite insistent (something most Submissives are when they want what they need I was to learn later) and one afternoon in the eastern Kalahari Desert in western Zimbabwe I used a light cane, an item I was comfortable with from caning boys illegally and often for smoking, and bracing myself for the coming shame and self-loathing, laid down a vicious stipe on her back. She yelp and thanked me for caning her, and then I saw the almost instant raised welt across her back and all I thought it was that it looked incredibly beautiful and that I now understood what catharsis was, and felt no shame or fear, only a huge sensation of release and a sudden vision of all the permutations I could fit into a single stroke of the cane and wanted to see which worked best on the woman who wanted me to explore her pain.

That’s when I realised I was a deliberately sadistic Dominant who really loves impact play of all kinds, except possibly using a closed fist, which on the only occasion that I let her convince me she needed and not just wanted, set off all kinds of alarms in my still working hatred of spousal abuse and for which I substituted using gloves, in a ring, which apparently isn’t as good for her but was 3 rounds of fun for me.
3 years ago • Feb 14, 2021

33, had 47 yr old cougar rape my cute ass

nicebootytinyd • Feb 14, 2021
I was dating a much older woman who was mean to me and would always talk to other men she loved my nice ass in a thong. Omfg it's been so long. I would put panties on for my gfs n my ass looks so hot and love to be teased especially when I'm with Tina. But never wanted to be beat or ass fucked. She whipped me so hard with a belt and I loved it. Once she told me she needs a "real cock* I was so turned on I wanted to be her bitch, I apologized for complaining about her cheating and told her she's a princess and deserves a huge cock, asked if I could please wait in the car while she fucked him. She'd lay a towel down when she wanted to fuck me but the first time hurt so much but I wouldn't dare complain but loved the abuse. The morning after the first time she fingered me really hard deep in me
Att first she'd still let me fuck her with a dildo in my butt vut eventually after 6 months she wouldn't touch me at all and never gave me head. I told her it's ok but she should give give good head to a BBC. She was really loose, I loved how I couldn't feel her pussy I told her she never has to touch me, I was lucky to lick her feet band I'd eat her ass for almost 24 hours and beg to continue. I'd beg to be beat and slapped When I moaned from what I thought was a big dildo she get very angry. I was scared how deep it went in. She d pretend she was my mom. All I wanted to do is be her bitch. She was abused young and now abused me. After the weekend once we weren't partying I'd getupset about her wanting to be "filled up" by a BBC I'd watch cuck porn and lovved being a sub She won't let me watch her fuck cuz she liked lying to me. I had never wanted someone so bad. She was my boss at work and liked when I'd pull her aside and asked would she duck my sexy ass tonight and Tell her to be rough She stretched me out quick and I kept taking bigger ones. Eventually she made me want it so bad. I'd apologize for being so small and complaining. I wanted her to be satisfied.. After 6_12 months she wouldn't fuck me and when she touched it is tell her a princess shouldn't touch a dirty slut. I'd wear panties whenever we went to bed I'd shave my legs and it looked so good. She wouldn't wear the lingerie I bought her so I did. I I'll tell the rest later but after the 1st year she'd make me beg for the dildo and I'd eat her ass and beg to taste her pussy. I loved when.shed spit in my face and hit my coxk with a belt. Once my ass was stretched I wanted bigger ones I'd fuck myself all night and she'd jam it in my throat. I'd put on huge bbc porn and tell her how much she deserves it, she'd make me watch tranny's. She was so sexy and it felt so good that's all I want so bad. She said I had a baby dick, that turned me on so much. I need to be abused and teased
Kit T Kat​(sub female)
3 years ago • Feb 15, 2021
Kit T Kat​(sub female) • Feb 15, 2021
I am dominant in my everyday life because that is my environment but I am always submissive when it comes to sex. I started young so I would say 14. I didn't get into a real sub/dom relationship until my early 20's. I can't have a vanilla relationship anymore. I like being tied up and spanked too much. It's crazy when guys look at me funny for expressing what I like. I now only date Dominants exclusively now. They know exactly what I want after we have that conversation and they're good with it.
3 years ago • Feb 15, 2021
Kelpi • Feb 15, 2021
To be honest it was about 38. I slapped a gf's ass and we both loved it. That was the start of it.
groogle​(sub female)
3 years ago • Feb 15, 2021
groogle​(sub female) • Feb 15, 2021
Just recently... I was reading fan fictions that had bdsm, specifically dom/sub dynamics, and was drawn to the submissive characters.
Mister K Ren​(dom male)
3 years ago • Feb 15, 2021
Mister K Ren​(dom male) • Feb 15, 2021
Deep down, I think a part of me knew for years. In school, I was always aroused by people being punished. But the kicker came when I was about 24 years old. I was in Goodwill in the book section and I picked up a used copy of "Fifty Shades of Grey," which I'd never read before. I opened to a random page and saw the words "Yes, sir." Almost right away, I knew I wanted to hear THAT.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Feb 17, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Feb 17, 2021
Hope everyone (or most) are OK with this.

I was 12. My date was 13. He was doing his thing and he grabbed my neck. Not hard but he put me in the position he wanted... And I loved every minute of it.

Feminists would differ strongly but from then on I felt it was my duty to please my guys.

Yes I have slept around a lot, but I am STD Free (General Info)
3 years ago • Feb 17, 2021


hdcook • Feb 17, 2021
After I was with a friend that was extremely dominant and now I crave the feeling that he once gave me.
RaeVen​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Feb 20, 2021
RaeVen​(masochist female) • Feb 20, 2021
When I was fourteen and watched the movie Secretary. Have always been interested in masochism but watching it made me realize that I wasn’t bad for having a unique relationship with pain and that there were other people like me.
Jlicious​(sub female)
3 years ago • Feb 20, 2021
Jlicious​(sub female) • Feb 20, 2021
When I was 19 my boyfriend grabbed me by the throat & looked at me with possessive eyes and claimed me as his , and no one else’s , I got aroused and wanted more . Unhealthy at the time but my body responded differently.