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Please stop ghosting.

ABhere​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 5, 2018

Please stop ghosting.

ABhere​(dom male) • Dec 5, 2018
Hello to fellow kinksters,

It's a humble request to everyone , Please stop ghosting.

We are ready to accept if you want to break up to explore relation with someone else or just want to take a break.

Just send us a message stating that you won't be able to take this further. That's All !!!

At Least we will know that we won't have to wait for you anymore.

Have a great day!
    The most loved post in topic
FabSeverus​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 5, 2018
FabSeverus​(dom male) • Dec 5, 2018
Lots of kinksters got several reasons not to communicate anymore, make them feel guilty won’t do much either.
ABhere​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 5, 2018
ABhere​(dom male) • Dec 5, 2018
Sorry but one can "ghost" , after sending a final message.
Miki​(masochist female)
5 years ago • Dec 5, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 5, 2018
I think he meant "say something before leaving" which, while such would negate the whole "ghosting" act, it's considerate and polite.
Onlinedomguy​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
Onlinedomguy​(dom male) • Dec 6, 2018
I don't get the ghosting thing at all. Why you can not just tell someone, its text for crying out loud, you have lost interest or what every. Just be honest and tell who ever, what ever you have to say. Be an adult
NaivelyOptimistic​(sub female)
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
I hate being ghosted so much. It just happened to me after a few really promising dates with a Dom, and then he fell off the face of the planet. I did send him a message after a week of radio silence that said something like, "I know it's not easy, but we have chosen to engage in adult activities, and that means we are also responsible to have adult conversations. I hope you show more empathy and respect for the next person who comes along."

I am done with the ghosting. I hateeeeee it.
ABhere​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
ABhere​(dom male) • Dec 6, 2018
People here post Ad for Submission but can't have decent conversation.

Really sick of it !
Kara​(sub female){Dark Roast}
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
Masterray7 wrote:
People here post Ad for Submission but can't have decent conversation.

Really sick of it !

Conversation is a two way street. Are you holding up your end ? Listening to your partners ? Are there a multitude of topics being discussed, or just what you wants her to do ?
CK45​(sub female)
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
CK45​(sub female) • Dec 6, 2018
Here goes...
In every case it says more about the “ ghoster” than the “ghosted”.

That being said it’s not always with the intention to hurt.

It’s a controversial topic...I have done this, I hate it but have done this...

I freeze then I run, and I don’t even know all of the triggers that precede “the freeze” or “the run”.

I am honest in that if I am talking with someone I try to be as informative as possible at the beginning about the things I do know that trigger/upset me.

An example would be that I do know that I have had trauma associated with lies..
If I have any evidence that I am being lied to...I shut down...sometimes I reach out after and apologize and explain sometimes not depending on the extent I feel I have been lied to.

Just another perspective..
Hope you get some closure and good luck on your journey.