event horizon{NotLooking} |
5 years ago •
Jul 29, 2019
Forced bi - is it ethical?
5 years ago •
Jul 29, 2019
event horizon{NotLooking} • Jul 29, 2019
I realize this is a rather loaded question. But, I am genuinely asking, because I'm admittedly a bit confused by the premise, and by its potential execution.
Also, I'd like to preface this by saying I am an actual bisexual person, so this isn't any shade to other bi or gay people. In my head, either the sub/slave in question is some degree of bisexual/pansexual, in which case it's not forcing so much as enabling a desire, or... they're straight, and forcing them to engage in homosexual acts (like only allowing them to touch themselves if they edge to gay porn) is potentially messing with how their brains and sexuality are wired, and causing psychological damage. I came to this conclusion because, regardless of whether or not they consent to such a thing (and let's be clear -- some subs/slaves do/have/will consent to things just to please their Dominants, even if they don't enjoy those things)... the same kinda thing, but in the other direction, has been used in conversion camps to try to manipulate homosexual people into thinking/acting straight. These methods have been labeled as cruel and damaging, and are not sanctioned by any psychiatric association (at least, not in my country -- I can't vouch for others). It's considered by many, myself included, to be a form of torture. So.. If it's bad to make gay people touch themselves to straight porn, or otherwise put them into forced heterosexual situations...... how is it okay to force an otherwise straight person to edge to gay porn? Or be sexual with other people of the same gender, when they themselves would not choose such a thing? There must be something about all this that I'm just not understanding. So I'm hoping someone can maybe fill in the blanks here. Or just tell me I'm right and it's weird, that's also an option. Thanks in advance, if you have any thoughts to share on this. |