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I can't sleep!!

3 years ago • Sep 25, 2020
Tthomas • Sep 25, 2020
I count submissives jumping over a spanking horse.
magicHands​(dom male)
3 years ago • Sep 25, 2020
magicHands​(dom male) • Sep 25, 2020
It is generally a mental/anxiety thing so no instant magic fixes but can be fixed.

There are also a lot of our current patters in modern life that hurt sleep.

Some things that generally help if they become the standard practice:

o Daily Meditation helps slow things down and there are a wealth of apps, services, etc. that can step you through it.

o Can not emphasize enough how much vigorous workouts daily help center you and clear your head.

o No sugar, caffeine, soda, tea, coffee, deserts, etc. or any other stimulants after noon. If you want to go for extra credit none at all.

o No eating anything after 7:00 P.M.

o CBD oil helps a lot of people.

o No TV, phone, tablet, computer, etc (screen time) for at least an hour before bed time. (If you can't sit alone without background noise and distraction without getting really uncomfortable/anxious there are some major issues being avoided that need to be dealt with)

o Melatonin as mentioned helps, but it is habit forming as your brain will stop producing it on its own.

o Valerian root will not help you fall asleep, but makes the sleep you do get more restful. (you want at least an 8% concentration)

o Drinking hurts both the quality of your sleep and the general stability of your sleep. It might help you pass out but you get very little product restful sleep.

o Regular Yoga (not before bed) can help.

o Getting on top of issues or concerns that have been stressing you that you have been putting off or avoiding.

o. Dropping processed sugars and starches and (it pains me to say this one) gluten really helps mental, emotional stability, and lowers anxiety.
shortylotus​(dom female){johnnyxsix}
3 years ago • Sep 25, 2020
I calmly sit and plan out my bratty activities for the next day. Sometimes I also review and update the list of souls I am planning on collecting.. its not for everyone but at the end of the night I am curled up with a big smile on my face
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3 years ago • Sep 25, 2020
allstar • Sep 25, 2020
Do you go outdoors for at least an hour every day?

When I cannot sleep I drink a beer.
Then I wake up a few hours later to go to toilet..