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Shadow mistress

3 years ago • May 14, 2021

Shadow mistress

AlteredGoddess • May 14, 2021
So how would I go about finding and asking a Mistress to allow me to learn from her?
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
3 years ago • May 14, 2021
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • May 14, 2021
Read the forums.
Get involved.
Ask questions about things that peak your interest, its the fastest way to locate information that is specific your needs.
Along the way while reading posts (and replying) take notes of whose replies strike a cord or resonate in you.
You could always then contact that person and try making a friend.
Additionally try your local face to face community.
Try attend a munch and make a few friends or 20.
Networking isn't hard and a great way to make friends and a great way to skill share too!
Additionally your local community will also know whats available in your area.
I've found learning from the whole village is better than from the one...(no I wasn't going to say that lol) person. Learning from more than one ,you get a better balanced opinion of what may work for you (and yours) and what wont. The idea is find the style and way to do things that work for YOU. Copying another s style will burn you out fast. The motivation and desires need to by your own to begin with. the only way to do things, that we all should share is SAFETY, the rest is up what you negotiate with your partner

if its skills you want there are loads of books on topics as well as videos and often (in non covid times) a great selection of events. Easiest place for events listings is Fetlife.
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