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Disability and Real Time D/s and M/s Relationships

5 months ago • Nov 19, 2023
lambsone • Nov 19, 2023
I'm sorry LordofPain, I don't understand your comment. Would you explain?
5 months ago • Nov 19, 2023
lambsone • Nov 19, 2023
Thanks for sharing Beautiful eyes. That was wonderful.
Byrdie​(switch female){rl only}
5 months ago • Nov 21, 2023
Raven Kaldera wrote multiple books on these topics:

* Broken Toys: Submissives with Mental Illness and Neurological Dysfunction
* Mastering Mind: Dominants with Mental Illness and Neurological Dysfunction
* Kneeling in Spirit: Disabled Submissives
* Hell on Wheels: Disabled Dominants

The publisher, Alfred Press, has an entire section on the subject:

LordofPain56 wrote:
I'm old, but I aint dead yet!

Anyone can get hit by a bus, or suffer a random injury. Age may or may not have anything to do with it.
5 months ago • Nov 21, 2023
lambsone • Nov 21, 2023
Thank you for those references Byrdie. That's very cool.
meowineedhelp​(sadist trans man)
5 months ago • Nov 21, 2023
Well my daddy and mommy like metal stuff - so my left hear was fucked with to make me like them.

So all i think about is dark shit - everything, and i mean everything that goes into my mind comes out as something fucked up.
5 months ago • Nov 21, 2023
lambsone • Nov 21, 2023
Can't hold your parents responsible anymore meowineedhelp. It's YOUR life now, and you can make it into anything you want. So get started on your new life's journey.
5 months ago • Nov 21, 2023
Miki • Nov 21, 2023
meowineedhelp wrote:
Well my daddy and mommy like metal stuff - so my left hear was fucked with to make me like them.

So all i think about is dark shit - everything, and i mean everything that goes into my mind comes out as something fucked up.

Trying to figure this one out. "metal stuff" "left hear fucked up" If I had to guess they were into hard rock music and played it so loud your hearing was damaged in that ear.

I was able to hear when I was quite young, so I know what music is, and so forth and that type of music is never good for anyone's hearing if the volume is not properly controlled, which people fond of that genre are loath to do. It's got to be loud enough to set off any seismograph in the vicinity.
But that's only part of the point. How young were you when all this shit went down? I can understand the "dark spaces" if it was early, harsh, and prolonged -- and not just the music.

But as lambstone pointed out, even darkness caused by a far-from-ideal childhood can be put in its place, not only by realizing those days are passed but also getting help to put it in the rear-view.

Alas, as I lack any further information, what I just wrote might be helpful or might not. If my guess as to "metal stuff" and "left hear" are off the mark, I apologize. As I first said, "Trying to figure out..."
5 months ago • Nov 25, 2023
Notely • Nov 25, 2023
Not a burden made up it for things to be stronger with it.

Stress -ADHD now only ADD without the hyper use to take meds over the years but now just meditate in the morning and recharge daily. Some tai chi take time to wake up early, listen to music and breathing methods also in the afternoon, and do a peaceful release with tai chi. ADHD now ADD is not bad use to be if I do this daily then keeps me focused and balanced with body. I do drink a green drink that has a lot of  minerals.  Therapists never helped, just giving you meds does not really help. A counselor was more helping and guiding but really the art therapy was more relief. I still do art therapy with drawing how I dress and how I decorate.  Stress I had to heal and grow and not allow it to bother me. I was allowing it to bother me. I had to do some mindfulness, letting go of cutting cords to make peace with the past.  I don't let belief  and politics  get to things. I am the only one who does my life not in the old ways but living my own life.  I don't follow the news. I focus on my life with peace but will send peace not a job to fix everyone only send peace I use to help people too much would please people that I cut out of my life people pleasing days are over time to pour back into mine. Not selfish for leaving people and family not on the same page to stay in touch but won't talk to old friends because they just were not the same. If I left, I loved them. It was for them to grow for themself hard thing but the only way to make peace. 

Anxiety, Anemia,Menorrhagia,Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Fibromyalgia. Used to wake up to body pain , heavy periods not wanting to go to the store had to do online orders or friends would have to do the shopping for me. Take a full day to heal by taking baths and lotions , sleeping , numbing pads and meds , exercise , massage.  It's more minor now, not more relieved  eating more iron right stuff, taking warm cool showers with a change of mindset, limiting social media and energy that only brings peace not a headache.  Mostly the problem was from drinking pop and junk that was not good for me was messing up my body and letting go of the past and things people did not belong in life I had to mature the life so my life could be at peace for to be healthy it was challenging but you have to do what is best for your health not to harm but people can only heal for themself I had to grow I only wanted grown around not the childish that was not willing to grow. Lifestyle change and its a reflection the people hang out with even yourself what you read and follow reflects everything. A Lot better these days.  

Psoriasis is mostly genetic but take care of it with milk and tea with mint and mix with a lotion, take a vitamin d and use sun block , cloth facial mask, rub it all over the body. Also good relief , use natural dandruff  stuff for hair and cream .

A loner lone wolf  well not really a disability but just I like my times alone. At times my space time and place want to be around people selective who you hang out with in the vibe. I like to do things by myself. I don't like working under someone because I am doing it myself.  Unattached, enjoy the freedom, don't look the right kind, don't come when you're looking, it's unexpected in the right vibration not just anyone but in the same aliment. Not all energy is the same. Sex does so anything has to have a connection with feeling and pineal gland soul click but in the soul family person not from the same planet lol.  Grounding  peaceful life is just fine. 

I have seen therapy even with people in a car accident and recover over time they are not able to walk but the rehab qigong walking  , Acupuncture , electrotherapy , pool therapy.  But finding the right resources some doctor will tell people nothing can be fixed but a lot has advanced. They can put chips in a person's mind to help someone be able to talk with a computer by reading the mind.  Technology came a long way but most countries hide it; some states have them.

“You don’t need to meditate for hours and hours to attain inner peace and enlightenment. You need only see, feel, and act from the heart. Let the heart guide you to your peaceful enlightenment.” – Po

“You gotta let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.” – Po

Your real strength comes from being the best “you” you can be. So who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you “you”?” – Po

Before the battle of the fist, comes the battle of the mind.” – Master Shifu

“Time is an illusion, there is only the now.” – Master Shifu

“Anything is possible when you have inner peace.” – Master Shifu

“There is just news. There is no good or bad.” – Master Oogway

“To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.” – Mr. Ping

. “Look at this tree. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time. No matter what you do that seed (of peach) will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” – Master Oogway

“Sometimes, we do the wrong things for the right reasons.” – Mr. Ping

“Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does not make you who you are, it is the rest of it – who you choose to be.” – Soothsayer

“There is always something more to learn. Even for a master.” – Master Oogway
5 months ago • Nov 25, 2023
lambsone • Nov 25, 2023
Avonlea, I took several undergrad courses in Art Therapy and one year in Grad school in Art Therapy and counseling. As you discovered it really does help. A person doesn't have to be an artist to do the Therapy. It's another way to communicate and activates a different area of the brain. Anyway, I was happy to hear that it was one of the things that helped you. In the future, perhaps I'll share some methods in my blog that we learned in school. It might help someone here.
5 months ago • Nov 25, 2023
Notely • Nov 25, 2023
True also went to art school thanks