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Question for Doms

tictackid​(sub female)
2 months ago • Jul 5, 2024

Question for Doms

tictackid​(sub female) • Jul 5, 2024
Just a submissive girl, trying to be, and do better to please her Dom.
What are some of the things that you love best when your sub or subs do for you?
what are some good surprises from subs that you have received/experienced?
Solace​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 5, 2024
Solace​(dom male) • Jul 5, 2024
I have a few I can share.

I had one lovely lady who would stay with me for two to three weeks at a time. One day I came home from work to find she had rearranged my entire studio. A mixed bag. We consistently disagreed about where cheese graders are stored after this. However she did make the place look significantly nicer and she had cleaned everything. Not something I had asked of her, and she did because she cared. My home was spotless when she visited.

Another very sweet girl wanted to do something for me so she asked me what my favorite dish was. She then proceeded to invite me to her hometown and she made it for me. It was full of a lot more love than flavor, she knew it was terribly upset by it. But I loved it all the same. And gosh golly was she pretty that night.

I'm not one to share my birthday with others, however one darling girl happened to ask on just the day. Not wanting to lie I admitted it. This part isn't so romantic, but she then proceeded throughout the day to send me very tasteful and attractive nudes or semi nudes.

I think the moral of the story, at least for myself, is I greatly appreciate when darlings go out of their way and do things I haven't asked for. Particularly when I know they did it because they care. Hope that helps.
    The most loved post in topic
antihero​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 5, 2024
antihero​(dom male) • Jul 5, 2024
Often times it's not even the sexual stuff. I personally like banter and a good sense of humor in my sub.

But if we're talking about acts of service, something as simple as innocently washing my hair in the shower, or a shoulder massage.

Really any task I need help with, or being sassy enough to break routine and get my mind off something that's stressing me out.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 5, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 5, 2024
The problem is each sub is different. Thus, each way they can serve is different. What works for one, may not and may be abusive to another.

Serving is difficult. Learning to serve, more so.
House Talion​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 5, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Jul 5, 2024
Had one girl that loved the basic stuff so much that when it came to other stuff she said we'd just figure it out together, but she wasn't of the lifestyle while still quite submisive.

X wife would always meet me at the door on her knees wearing nothing while holding a drink and would give me oral while I drank, but that was only after she messed up royally and would do whatever she could to keep me around

Had a sub before marriage that would melt with the slightest touch, but seemed put off that I didn't violate her while she was unconscious

My presently owned sub is willing to do whatever it takes to please me. Cuddling on the couch while watching anime, watches me play pc games and asks valid questions, wants to be in an active D&D campaign run by me, but in all it's how she completely trusts me to own all of her. Like how she specificly sleeps on her side curled up as the perfect little spoon knowing what's shown from behind for constant use.
1 month ago • Jul 11, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 11, 2024
For submissive to please takes someone very special for a submissive to please the One who leads also has to please in other ways to keep the flame going.
Well One who leads to show you and guide you take the hand lead the way to allow you to grow. But submissive to do the rest also and to do together one can not do it alone takes two in partnership. Both need to be romanced to build a spark to get to this goes both ways. If one only going down on one not fair goes both ways. If its forced it may not work for all depends that you been with person very long time. Person who earned wants to be with you a life time willing to do it all with you take everything you come with respect you protects you keeps you safe. Some submissive are new so the one who leads does need to show them educate them but allow them do be themself also.

Person has to feel a good feel wanted, safe and protected being taken out on dates once a week to build the submissive up to do their part. Cause the guy getting home just to sit by the tv every night get boring needs to be conversation and romance the submissive will do the part to just if its just lazy on both ends the spark just draining needs to be spiced up. Not every day will be sex might be holding hands or cuddle and talking. They just want your body and sex and looks that not love that fake love real love inside with the soul deep clicked through out the body on the same page. No soul no love.

someone who is worthy of your love will never put you in a situation where you feel you must sacrifice your dignity , your integrity , or your self worth to be with them.

be yourself comfortable on your own skin and the garments you can forget about your appearance in.

The lesson is to be yourself and never let other people change you, because you know yourself better than anyone.

Never change to make someone else happy.
Do it for yourself do anything be sexy for you someone wants to be part of you they should be happy to even part of it. Never dictate person being sexy they sexy for themself.

Dita Von Teese: 'You can't dictate to a woman what should make her feel sexy'
The Art of Seduction ft. Dita Von Teese

If One who leads does not build a submissive up will never happen. Yes Submissive should also build the Dom up in loveing way both ways with flow.
Building Her Up!: Nurturing A Confident, Vivacious Sensual Submissive
Unless you understand the nature of a Sensual D/s relationship, you would think that degradation and abuse is the purpose of the relationship when looking from the outside. It is completely counter-intuitive that the path to nurturing the sensual submissive desires within a woman is to build her self-confidence and make her feel beautiful, sexy, cherished and deeply desired… It makes absolutely no sense on the surface. It is clearly an intellectual contradiction that most ordinary people cannot grasp without experiencing it for themselves.

This is a complex and confusing onion to understand. So let’s first peel back a few layers to help understand the foundation of the dynamics at play. Let’s forget that about the naughty man with the whip/paddle/hand (i.e Me) involved in this relationship and focus solely on the psychology of the woman and her sexual needs & desires. Secondly, let’s forget this woman is wildly kinky and her desires are to feel “owned” and “used” by a man sexually. Let’s imagine she is a very average woman who craves completely vanilla sex with just her BF/husband/partner, just she wants a lot more passionate love-making.
Building Up Her Confidence Creates A Sexy Vixen...

How would you advise this completely ordinary vanilla woman how to feel sexier and more able to express her sexual desires? Would you recommend she do such things as?

Buy a new sexy dress and shoes
Go to the spa to pamper herself
Get a new hair style
Buy some sexy lingerie that flatters her body shape
Achieve a personal goal or pursue a personal interest

What do all these have in common? Hopefully the light bulb just went on in your head. The foundation is self-confidence. Confidence is the essence of sexy. It is the energy we exude that draws people to us. Regardless of the nature of her sexual desires, to make any woman feel sexier, you must build up her self-confidence. That is the key to understanding how to nurture a beautiful insatiable, uninhibited vixen from within any woman with submissive desires. She is just a woman at the core…

Scars From Your Life Journey:
In your journey through life, our former partners, friends and family have a way of permanently scarring us with their words. These cruel words permanently alter our self-perception – our looks, our sex appeal, our body, our weight, our sexual ability. These emotional scars manifest as inhibitions, a lack of confidence, aversions or “emotional landmines” that set us off.

Part of being a good Sensual Dom is being able to recognize and remove the psychological obstacles in the way of a woman feeling highly self-confident, highly sexual and highly desired.

You may want to reference my earlier article: Hierarchy of Female Emotional Needs for Sex: Unleashing Her “Inner Vixen” It may be a useful tool for diagnosing the emotional needs of a submissive and your relationship with her.

Seeing Her Own Beauty Through My Eyes:
One fun way I start to change the self-perception of a submissive woman is shopping for a special outfit to dress her up for me (sexy lingerie, stockings, CFM heels, make up, jewelry). The process of shopping together for her special outfit ensures her mind is aroused for several days in advance which serves to extend mental foreplay of anticipation out to several days in advance of our intimate meeting. In the process of dressing up, a woman feels very beautiful, highly self-confident, desired and extremely aroused.

The second thing I do is I take a series of beautiful, erotic photos of her all dressed up in lingerie so she sees her own beauty captured through my eyes. That is a simple feedback loop from me to her of sexual energy that builds up a woman’s self-esteem.

Lastly, we play an erotic role-play game during the end of the photo shoot whereby her objective is to pose in increasingly suggestive poses that make me so horny that I want to put down the camera and ravage her…

This simple role-play has four powerful outcomes:

I capture her most sexual self in stunningly beautiful photos that make her feel beautiful, sexy and desired.
She escapes the mental restraints of her ordinary life to role-play a highly confident & highly sexually expressive woman
She is so mentally aroused by the whole process for several days, she experiences incredibly powerful orgasms
We have incredibly hot, wild sex and create beautiful sexy photos as memories which makes everyone happy to do this again.

The Longer Journey:
Building up a person’s self-confidence is not a quick fix but this is a good starting point to build from. It takes consistent love, support and encouragement over time for someone to accept themselves and to see their own value… Praise costs us nothing to give but it is priceless to the recipient – praise profusely and often. Remember, it is a process over time; not an event…

By building up the sexual confidence of a submissive, she feels increasingly powerful to freely express her sexual desire. So now you should see that Sensual Domination is not an act of abuse and degradation of women. It is an act of great caring and love of a woman. Only a man who truly loves, cherishes and appreciates women could unleash them sexually.

1 month ago • Jul 11, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 11, 2024
Embracing Your “Sexual Freak” suspect most people repress their true sexuality, desires and fantasies (anal sex, bisexuality, voyeurism, exhibitionism, 3some, bondage, swinging, etc.) fearing being rejected or humiliated by the people they most love. We don’t feel emotionally secure enough to fully expose ourselves sexually. Emotional intimacy has its’ foundation in trust. It begs the question, why don’t we trust our partners enough to be completely honest about our sexuality?

I made that very mistake by marrying a lovely but vanilla woman who was not confident, adventurous or highly sexual. I wasted 20 years of my life being very unhappy and repressing who I truly was sexually. Prior to my marriage, I was very sexually adventurous during my years at university. But I literally thought I needed to “settle down” after graduate school. My sexual frustration grew over time then I sought out online friendships and discussions of various sexual interests that eventually led an affair with a woman who I met online who was very sexually adventurous and submissive. She allowed me to fully re-explore and re-express my Dominant sexuality. Although I got the chance to explore my sexuality, I was still living a fractured life (one public life and one secret sexual life). Once I divorced, I have fully embraced my sexuality.

A life partner who truly loves you and accepts you wants to make you happy and successful in every way in life (physically, emotionally, sexually, financially, professionally), thus allowing you to lead a unified life where all your needs are fulfilled within one loving relationship/partner. I believe that only once you fully embrace who you truly are (including all your sexual desires, fantasies & kinks), you are then ready to find lasting happiness because you finally accept who you are without fear, guilt or shame.

Repressing Your Desires Will Lead To “Emotional Leakage”
If your current partner does not accept you for your sexual desires, repressing your desires will not find you lasting happiness. It is merely a coping strategy to deal with the immediate situation. Your sexuality is a core part of who you are. You cannot ignore your desires and you cannot suppress them forever.

Eventually your desires will re-emerge in some sort of “emotional leakage” forcing you to desperately seek out a secret affair or to leave to start a new relationship that more fully fulfills your needs. If your partner rejects you now for your sexuality, then you are free to meet a new partner who is sexually confident and open-minded enough to accept who you are in total…

There is an old saying is Sales Training, “No” is the second best answer a prospect can ever give you. It allows you to stop wasting your time and move onto other deals you could actually close. But it is the “Maybes” who string you along forever that will kill you”… I believe the same is true with relationships… There are plenty of fish in the sea – and several a looking for a kinky fish just like you!
Something to think about…


The Hierarchy of Female Emotional Needs: Unleashing Your “Inner Vixen”

“When she’s abandoned her moral center and teachings…when she’s cast aside her facade of propriety and lady-like demeanor…when I have so corrupted this fragile thing and brought out a writhing, mewling, bucking, wanton whore for my enjoyment and pleasure…..enticing from within this feral lioness…growling and scratching and biting…taking everything I dish out to her… that moment she is never more beautiful to me.” ~ Marquis De Sade

This quote by the Marquis De Sade truly describes what I have always craved to achieve with a loving, long-term relationship with female partner. The question most men struggle to understand is, “How do I achieve this kind of relationship with a woman? I know what I want but how do I get there?”

In line with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Model, I have a theory there is a emotional hierarchy of needs for most women to be able to be sexually uninhibited with a man in a relationship. The basic idea is no woman wants to be a ostracized as a “slut” or “nympho” for her sexual appetite/desires or to be rejected by someone who they love for her sexual appetite, desires, fetishes or fantasies . So women have learned to hide their true sexuality away from friends, family, society and from their partners. At the time, they have within them a highly sexual being they crave to express within the safety of a loving and emotionally safe long-term relationship.

The Hierarchy of Female Emotional Needs:
Starting from Level 1 of the model, each emotional need has to be fulfilled to a degree before the relationship advances to the next higher level. I believe that if men took the time to fulfill all the emotional needs of a female partner, they would be rewarded with uninhibited and meaningful sexual expression by their female partner based on deep intimacy, trust and commitment.


The Recipe for Intimacy

1 – Physical Attraction: Basic sexual attraction is the foundation

2 – Mutual Chemistry: Feeling a mutual attraction and mutual emotional sparks (Chemistry during kissing is the key test)

3 – Trust & Safety: Feeling safe (physically, emotionally, financially) in the care of your partner (Dating Phase)

4 – Emotional Bonding: Feeling a deep emotional attachment to your partner and interest to build a life together (Co-habitation phase with commitment requirements)

5 – Appreciation, Respect & Thoughtfulness: Feeling appreciated for all that you do as a life-partner for your lover (Helping with chores, Making your partner’s life easier during busy day-to-day life)


There is a huge difference between domineering (controlling/bullying) and dominant (self-confident) personalities. In fact, controlling, manipulating, bullying personalities are the opposite of self-confident personalities. A dominant personality should make you feel at ease with their calm leadership, knowledge and their interest in your needs whereas a bullying/manipulating personality will likely make you feel slightly uncomfortable with their pressure tactics about meeting their own needs and demands. Dominants are NOT angry women haters but domineering, controlling bullies are! So, listen and trust the little voice inside your head.

Immense trust is the foundation of most D/s relationships. A Dom/sub relationship requires much more trust than any vanilla sexual relationship because a woman is putting her physical/mental safety in the hands of a man. Hence the emotional intimacy of a D/s relationship is usually much deeper and more intense as well. A Dom cherishes and loves his sub for “Her Gift” of submission. Through great faith and trust in a Dom, a submissive gives over full control of her body and mind to her Dom. A Dom does not seize or coerce that submission. It is a decision of free will that a sub chooses who she will hand over control for a period of time (play session or evening). After that time period is over, you both revert back to roles of equals.

The role of a Dom is somewhat like a sexual personal trainer who can take you to a place you cannot reach by yourself by pushing you beyond your personal limits safely. A Dom takes the time to build that trust and rapport with a sub by understanding her sexual interests, past experiences, fears/concerns, kinks/fetishes and limits. There are actual fetish checklists available online that some Doms use to make a written record for themselves of a sub’s likes/dislikes, interests, limits and future interests as a starting point for training, like a personal trainer would make notes of your physical fitness benchmarks and goals. Before any play session starts, a good Dom will establish a unique “safe word” to ensure a sub’s safety during a session – a safe word is a word or phrase that uniquely expresses a sub’s need for a Dom to slow down. Then a Dom takes great care to ensure her physical and emotional safety during a session while still pushing her limits and attempting to blow her mind. And afterwards, he shows her a great deal of appreciation and affection for her immense trust and for her gift of submission through sensual “aftercare” to soothe her body and mind (For example: cleaning her body with a warm towel, a soothing bubble bath, washing her hair or a warm oil massage).
HINT #1:

If a Dom demands you to call him Sir or Master at a first meeting, he may be a poser (or very formal, very rigid or self-important)! The first meeting should be a meeting of equals who are trying to determine if there is a common foundation of interest, fit and chemistry to pursue a potential D/s relationship – No sex or BDSM play is involved. ONLY after a sub has chosen to give herself to a Dom must she refer to him as Sir or Master. First meetings should ALWAYS be in a public location and most commonly, no D/s play or sex is involved and no personal information is exchanged. It is purely an initial screening meeting to assess mutual compatibility. If he says at your first meeting, “I am your Master now, you are My sex slave. You must fuck me now”, get up and leave! He is a fake and an idiot.

HINT #2:

If a Dom does NOT discuss your past BDSM experiences, limits, concerns or safe words, he is likely a poser. One of the most important aspects of being a Dom is ensuring a sub’s emotional and physical safety during a session. If he is not discussing your limits, he is not concerned with your safety!

HINT #3:

If a Dom demands you do sexual acts which are either dangerous to your health (i.e. unprotected sex with strangers) or against your will (i.e. rape/assault), he is likely a poser and/or sexual criminal. All BDSM play should be safe, sane and consensual with predefined limits. Always listen to the voice in your head about people, it is trying to keep you safe and alive.

Hint #4:

If a Dom says there are an extensive set of rules that you must ALWAYS obey (i.e. at work, at home alone, etc.), he is potentially a poser or just a Dom looking for a 24/7 slave. For MOST people, BDSM is an escape from their every day lives and from vanilla sex. For a newbie, it is NOT usually a 24/7 lifestyle choice… The role of a submissive is most-often a temporary state a woman chooses to take on for a play session or an evening or set time period. After that period is over, you revert to roles of equals. However, there are many women who develop deep emotional connections and great emotional satisfaction from serving their Doms over a long period of time together who ask their Doms to be “owned” who then become permanent submissives or “slaves”. You need to first define what your limits are and decide if his rules meet your lifestyle needs.

Hint #5:

An experienced Dom will also have references of the subs he has trained in the past. Ask for the contact information of a few of his former subs. References are an important way of determining if there is a good fit for you with this Dom based on the kind of sessions he has conducted with his former subs and how he made his subs feel about their experience. Validation of a Dom by other subs is critical ensuring your own safety. Of course, this can be complicated if a Dom only plays within relationships so asking to talk to an ex is problematic.

Hint #6:

Leading up to the first meeting or during your first meeting, if there are little logical inconsistencies in his story about his situation, his past, his experiences as a Dom or his behaviour that makes you slightly uneasy but you cannot put your finger on some specific issue, then listen to that voice. A Dom should make you feel calm and at ease, not nervous and uptight. For example: Asking you to send nude photos before you initially meet but you already have facial photos or photos that show your body/build posted on your profile page. There is no actual need for a local Dom to have a nude photo of you before you are his sub. If there are alarm bells going off in your head, DO NOT IGNORE THEM… The voice in your head represents thousands of years of evolutionary instincts trying to keep you safe and alive. It is ALWAYS right. ALWAYS listen to it! Politely excuse yourself to the washroom, then quietly head to the door and don’t look back!

Preparing for Your First Face to Face Meeting:

Whenever meeting a new Dom from online (i.e. a complete stranger) for the first session in a private location, you must take some simple precautions to ensure your personal safety;

Always tell someone where/who you are meeting and provide their contact information (name and profile name, address, mobile number, email address).
Arrange a safety call at a prearranged time during a session and use a codeword in case there is a problem requiring assistance but you cannot say anything with him present.

6 – Feeling Sexy, Beautiful & Desired: Feeling desired as sexual being by your partner (Not a simple feat with kids, work, house to balance as a couple)

7 – Sexual Acceptance and Emotional Safety: Feeling emotionally secure to fully disclose your most intimate or dark desires to your partner without any fear of negative fall-out (rejection, social ridicule, moral outrage, relationship breakup)

8 – Uninhibited Sexual Expression: Feeling secure to be wildly sexual, uninhibited and sexually adventurous

NOTE: This model is not fully applicable to sexual flings/thrill seeking; fuck buddies or friends with benefits relationships because the motivations, emotions and behaviors are significantly different than in a committed relationship. This model is focused specifically on understanding committed long-term relationships because it is the most complex case.

It has been said, “If you want to get your wife in the mood for sex, do the dishes”… One of the major reasons couples don’t have much sex after they have kids is they are physically exhausted from life. This makes sense since most marriage/relationship break down at level 5 when the couple becomes emotionally disconnected with each other…


Sub Rights: Coping With The Pressure To Submit As A Novice Submissive

he issue which concerns me lately is there seems to be very few knowledgeable, experienced Doms and hundreds of novice female submissives eager to have their first kinky experiences. This large demand vs. supply imbalance has created a dynamic where unscrupulous men online are posing as experienced Doms and are sexually preying on novice submissives.

There is a few things all novice submissives need to understand to stay safe before meeting anyone claiming to be an experienced Dom from online for the first time:

For any novice submissive, having no BDSM experiences is always better than a bad, scary or dangerous BDSM experience that scars you emotionally or physically. Be patient. Don’t submit to the first man you meet claiming to be a Dom.
An experienced Dom should exude a degree of calm confidence that puts you at ease with time. A predator will make you feel pressured to obey his agenda, manipulation attempts and demands.
An experienced Dom should ask you about your BDSM interests, experiences and limits. His goals for the meet should be to build rapport and trust for ongoing relationship, not a one-time sexual encounter for rough sex.
Sensual Domination is about trust and seduction. An experienced Dom should inspire trust and seduce your mind so you want to give him control over your body and mind. A predator will use aggression to pressure you to meet his agenda.
When you meet a new Dom from online, he is not YOUR Dom yet. He is simply complete stranger from the Internet who claims to know something about training submissives. You don’t know anything about his psychological history or his sexual or criminal past. Treat him accordingly. Feel free to test his BDSM knowledge and challenge his training expertise. Ask detailed questions about his training process. Ask for areas of BDSM expertise (rope, impact play, caning, suspensions, etc). Ask for references. You have every right to refuse all sexual demands he places on you during your first meeting. He is not your Dom yet…
Ask what type of Dom he is; Sadist (pain-based) or Sensual Dom (pleasure-based).
Ask about his relationship preference; BDSM play partner, monogamous, non – exclusive, polyamourous or as part of stable of submissives. Ask how many subs he currently has and how often you would see each other.
There should be no rush to submit to anyone. You choose your Dominant when you meet someone who meets your selection criteria and passes your gut check. Interview several Dom candidates first to make an informed decision. Until you select the Dom you want to be trained by, you are a completely free woman.
Trust is the critical for your physical and mental well-being. It takes both time and consistency of words and actions. Watch for inconsistencies that should trigger alarms in your mind.
There are many men attracted to the BDSM community recently who claim to be Dominants who are simply violent women haters or are looking for a quick hookup. They are not Dominants. They simply confuse the label “kinky” with “open to rough sex from any man” or “DTF”.
There is a huge difference between consensual kinky rough sex and sexual assault. Consent is given explicitly and with conditions of hard & soft limits.
Consentual kinky sex comes with safe words. You are always in full control. You can slow down or stop any Domination session at anytime.
Take a test drive session. No need to make any commitment until you have real proof of skills and knowledge.
ALWAYS listen to the voice in your head. It’s millions of years of evolution trying to keep you safe.


Sub Motivation: Why Do You Submit?
A submissive is a woman who, of her own free will, give over full control of her body, mind and soul. To be a good Dominant, you need to thoroughly understand the emotional motivations of a submissive. The following list is a aggregation of all the different motivations I have observed by female submissives.
Why do you submit?

Why do you submit?

The Reasons A Submissives Submits:

Mental & Emotional Escape: Many of my subs are Alpha Females (executive, lawyers, doctors, politicians, Supermoms’) who are highly intelligent, driven, successful, and confident. They generally intimidate most other men. They lead incredibly demanding public lives but they crave to escape to a place where they have no control and they have no decision making requirements in their sex lives.
Being Devoured & Unleashing Dark Passions: Deep inside them, they have craved to just be devoured and consumed by a bold, confident Dominant man without being asked. It is often a deep sexual craving they have for most of their adult lives. Being devoured sexually unleashes passions deep inside them and makes them feel incredibly sexual, highly desired, deeply feminine and incredibly aroused.
Deep Trust & Intimacy: I give my subs a safe emotional/sexual sanctuary. They show me a deeply intimate part of themselves that they have usually never shown any other man, even their former husbands and boyfriends. They know they are emotionally safe to be completely “naked” with me knowing they are unconditionally accepted for their desires, kinks and fantasies. They also know that any desire or fantasy can be realized with me without any judgment, ridicule, criticism or rejection. We share a journey of deep intimacy to places they won’t likely travel to with other men.
Pleasing & Servicing Other’s Needs: Most subs are pleasers by nature and by their upbringing. There is a deep sense of accomplishment and self-worth that comes from meeting the needs of others for them. Sexually and non-sexually pleasing a Dominant give them a great sense of accomplishment and self-worth.
Danger, Uncertainty & Mindfucks: Part of not having control is also not knowing what will happen next. A sub never can be truly prepared for any session because they have no idea where this journey will take them. Uncertainty and danger, places the mind in a hyper-vigilant state due to our natural Fight-Flight response. By keeping a sub blindfolded and constantly off-balance regarding what will happen next extends that heightened state. It is why contrasting stimuli are so powerful (silence/loud, soft/hard, hot/cold, fast/slow, painful/gentle) to mindfuck a sub. The sexual release when in a heightened state of danger or surprise is significantly more powerful.
He is Your One: This is how an anonymous sub described her submission in a private email to me, “He is my heart divorced from my body. What I do for Him I would not do for any other soul. He often remarks that He has yet to find the thing I will not do for Him. I kneel in supplication because it honors Him. There is no way I can ever repay Him for making me whole. Instead, I give Him all of myself. There is no part that I do not offer to Him. I am not a masochist. I know he enjoys inflicting pain. I give this to Him. My tears are part of my service. I endure, comforted in the knowledge that He would never harm me.”


Using Sound A Powerful Sexual Arousal Trigger

Be My Jingle Slut:

The advertising geniuses of Madison Avenue have long known the power of sound/music as a subconscious mental trigger for our emotional responses – Think about the thousands of songs you know the lyrics based on the music and how each song makes you feel when you hear it… It is mind blowing. Auditory branding using music or jiggles have been around for decades for everything from soft drinks to running shoes to hamburger chains to automobiles. We instantly recognize the product or brand or TV show by just a few notes of a jiggle or classic rock song. In our technology world, now we are surrounded by recurring sounds that link us mentally to a product experience – when we restart our computer, turn on our mobile phone or open our car doors.

What does the happy sound of jingling bells remind you of? Yes, Christmas… It is almost a universal experience that jingling bells remind us of Christmas. Here is an evil way to warp that fond, childhood memory of Christmas into a deliciously twisted permanent sexual trigger for your submissive. Enjoy ;D

Attached a small bell to each of her wrist & ankle restraints, to the collar, to each nipple clamps, and to the handle of the butt plug inserted in the ass of your sub. This means with every movement she makes with her naked, pleasure-giving body, she will rhythmically jingles… How can we use this new deliciously sexy feature for twisted evil?
Be my sweet Jingle Slut...


Associating Submission with Jingling Bells: Have her kneel facing backwards on living room chair then lean over the back of the chair so her breasts hang free. Secure her wrists to the back legs and secure her ankles to the front legs of the chair. Attach nipple clamps with bells to her hanging nipples. Blindfold her so her other senses are heightened and she is forced to be 100% inside her head throughout the session. Gather her hair into a ponytail, twist the ponytail then sharply pull her head back. Have her count out loud from 1-40 in sets of 10. After each set of 10, soothe her ass with your gentle hand. Wail on her ass with varying timing and force to keep her off-balance with your paddle, belt or flogger until her ass is bright red and hot to the touch. Make her body lurch/spasm and her breasts heave and sway with each stroke. Listen to sound of your Jingle Slut…
Simulated Double Penetration: Attach a dildo with a suction base to the wall mirror or side of bedpost at the height of her pussy so when in the doggie position on the floor. Have her slide backwards until the cock head of the dildo is inside her pussy. Now place your cock in her mouth… Grab her hair firmly in a ponytail to steady her head. Instruct your slut to slide back and forth on the dildo and your cock. Listen to the sound of your Jingle Slut.
Anal Sex She Will Always Crave: Instruct your sub to insert Ben Wa Balls or a Kegel Exercisers into her pussy 2-5 hours before your planned play session. This will ensure her pussy and mind are thoroughly sexually aroused before the session even begins. This works exceptionally well if she must insert them while still at work. Pushing her limits while at work will make her squirm in her chair and peak her mental arousal as she secretly struggles to maintain her composure in her professional environment. Before you arrive for the session, she will prepare herself for anal sex by first evacuating her bowels then thoroughly douching in the shower with an enema kit. Have her assume the doggie position on the bed or chair as you enter the room so her knees are at the edge of the bed. Apply a liberal about of lube or oil to her asshole and to your cock then slowly push your cock head into her ass then stop. Let her push back on your cock so she can set the pace of initial penetration to prevent injury or pain. Once she is able to take you all the way in without any pain, have her hold her wand vibe to her clit. As you thrust into her ass, your cock will push down on the Ben Wa Balls in her pussy which will in turn push against her G-spot which will cause her want to squirt… Now she will always LOVE anal sex because her pussy, clit, G-spot and nipples are all pushing her towards waves of multiple orgasms as you fuck the HELL out of her ass… Listen to the sound of your dirty Jingle Slut…
Add a Scent Layer to Create a Mind-Blowing Powerful Sexual Trigger: Buy 3-5 vanilla scented candles to burn in your room during your session… Why are you burning a scented candle? Smell is our single most powerful trigger of memories. Specific smells can bring back the most vivid and the most remote memories from our minds. Why a vanilla candles?? When people are surveyed about the scents that they like, vanilla is the one smell that a vast majority of people enjoy. In fact the Sheraton Hotel chain “brands” the vanilla smell of their executive suites so you instantly recognize and are drawn to the familiar experience at their hotel rooms. Vanilla is also a common smell in public locations that will also trigger a sexual response. Now imagine layering jingling bells with a vanilla Xmas cookies…. You sub will be crossing her legs throughout Christmas…

The Sound of Her Submission:
Now that you have planted that powerful auditory trigger in her mind, every time she hears jingle bells in public, you know she will be thinking of the nasty things you have done to her and her pussy will begin to gape then gush with arousal – Jingling bells is the sound of her submission to you and her lovely body cannot help but respond.

To be extra cruel as a Dom, you could buy her a slave anklet or wrist bracelet with tiny bells to wear discreetly in public during the summer or at home and at work so she had a constant reminder of your ownership of her body and mind. If you want to trigger her arousal anywhere and at any time, assign the jingling bells ringtone to your numbers on her mobile phone for calls and text/IM messages so you can make her wet whenever you want and every time you communicate with her.

And, yes your submissive will be quivering, spasming and dripping throughout the entire Christmas season from Thanksgiving to New Years. It makes you want to take her to the local mall in a short skirt and heels just to meet Santa. Watching her struggle to maintain her composure in public as she waits patiently in line is soo deliciously evil. If that doesn’t give you an evil grin as a Dom, nothing else will… ;D
Arnav​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
Arnav​(dom male) • Jul 14, 2024
I think chemistry and banter by far is the thing that stands out the most. Sure, sex and all is fun but once you are drained, it's the small, cute and fun things she does that make me enjoy being with her more.