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How long should a session last?

mr Seba​(dom male)
6 days ago • Feb 4, 2025

How long should a session last?

mr Seba​(dom male) • Feb 4, 2025
Hello everyone!
I am a newbie and would like to ask for advice on how long a play session between a sub and a dom should last.
I try myself in different roles, but I noticed that being a sub I get tired much faster.
In my opinion, you need to find a compromise so that both parties have fun and so as not to end the session early.
Can you advise anything?
dollMaker​(dom male)
6 days ago • Feb 4, 2025
dollMaker​(dom male) • Feb 4, 2025
Think of it like a movie or book, beginning, middle and end. At the start, depending on activity, there should be a warm up period, getting into the headspace and after the end, an aftercare period.

I would keep it simple, too many toys, or techniques can end up overwhelming and not allowing the person on the end, to relax into the activity, and maybe achieve an altered state, known as subspace.

Duration will depend on the person receiving's ability to process the activity, and limits, boundaries and if they are knew and inexperienced to the activity.

Its hard to say more, without knowing what type of activities are in mind, but I will say that less is often more, and that includes length of time doing the activity.

What I will say is this, is you must know the activities in and out and be competent, knowledgeable and safe before you ever do said activity on anyone. Video and book tutorials will take you so far, plus lots of practice, but attending workshops, classes on said activities will take you further towards being safe, knowing how to mitigate the risks of said activity, and become creative with said activity. This is like the transition from painting by numbers to being a creative artist, with the activities that interest you.
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TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
6 days ago • Feb 4, 2025
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Feb 4, 2025
The problem is different s types have different levels of strength and stamina.

Depending on the type of scene and the given s type, it can last hours or minutes.

Hell, I have had ones that have outlasted me.