KinkKitten(masochist female){Yes.}
6 years ago •
May 21, 2018
6 years ago •
May 21, 2018
Hi Kate,
I also have bad knees some days. I have a re-occuring injury from a car accident, that makes my knees very uncooperative at times. Depending on what parts of your knee hurts, depends on if any of this will help. <3
If you are kneeling with the tops of your feet flat on the floor, I have found a rolled up towel behind my knees/on the back of my calves helpful. Also good for the posture.
I also find not sitting all the way back on my feet to also help but this involves a lot of core engagement and depending on strength can limit the time you can hold this position.
Another thing is spreading your knees while kneeling. I have a very hard time if I am kneeling with my legs/knees together so my Dom makes me kneel with my knees/legs wide and my hands on my thighs, palms up. I find this position very comfortable and can hold it for quite sometime. It is also quite nice to lean forward with my arms stretched above my head in a Childs pose or something similar to show my submission while also being comfortable.
One last thing I have found to help, is a folded towel under my knees. So kneeling down onto a towel/cushion rather than the hard floor.
Part of the issue for me is the way in which I choose to kneel down. After many attempts and many hours of practise I have found a way that is slow enough for my knees but still allows me to feel sexy rather than awkward. If I drop to my knees that is very painful but if I bend one knee as I stretch the other leg out behind me, I can slowly lower myself down and then once balanced on the stretched bent leg, I can then lower the other leg to complete the kneel before opening my thighs and lowering my hands. I hope this makes sense! After much practise I can now to it with my hands on the back of my neck.
But enough rambling from me and I hope this helps or at least gives you and your Dom some ideas!
Much luck,