I strongly suggest that you consider finding TNG (The Next Generation) munches and groups in your area - wherever that is: they're generally for people who are 18 - 30. Even if you're looking for older folks, consider that these groups will have people in your age range who are also interested in kink; and thus people who can likely best give you local tips on how to find what you're looking for, introduce you to others, etc.
When you attend, try to talk to everyone - not just the people you think would be good play partners. It's amazing who will think about what you're looking for and which people they know who they could match you up with.
You're young and shiny and new, so please read up and be prepared:
My strong suggestion is that if you have any issues, trauma, past abuse, etc.; find a professional to help you start working through it now because nobody wants to bear the brunt of the backsplash in what's supposed to be a fun, adventurous relationship. There's always drama, but starting the work now means that folks will see that you're working on yourself and that will make you into a more desirable partner ... and help you stand out from the crowd.
Don't fall into the trap of hitting that a D/s relationship will magically fix you because a "Twue Domme" will magically read your kind and know just what play will cure no. There's a reason why psychological professionals don't date their clients: it's an incredibly bad idea that will explode and make everybody's brain worse than it was before. Many areas have sliding scale treatment options for folks on a limited income, but in the meantime there's always:
You could do worse than having a kink aware counselor be the first kinky person you've ever really talked to, though I do still root for munches as well.
Good luck in your search.