dom male

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Relationship status
In a polyamorous relationship
About me
Like many, I do not find it easy to talk about myself. Born and raised in New York, I have had the opportunity to live an amazing life. I have lived in 12 countries, and worked in 72, I have seen and experienced many wondrous things. I have been exposed to many different peoples and countless cultures. There are places I will one day return to, and others if I never see again… it will be too soon. I’m well educated with a background in physics and theology (yea, the science of God ;). Today I’m just a computer geek; with a work hard, play hard philosophy. I enjoy meaningful conversations including those with political and religious topics. My rules here are simple, be respectful, even if you disagree. And listen as much, if not more than you speak. Life has its ups and downs, and we rarely know where someone else is on their journey, so be kind. Have an extra bit of patience (not something I always do well), and strive to be kind. Your smile, a nod of your head, a simple “Hello” can mean the world to someone else, and it costs you nearly nothing.
BDSM and me
I realized I was a dom in my early twenties. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have met D/s couple early in my journey, who would become both a mentor and friends. A good mentor can guide in various situations, but it was his sub who during multiple scenes really taught me how to be a good dominate. To teach and empower another, without ever breaking her role was truly a rare gift. I am one who nearly always has a plan. It’s been said of me that “his plans have plans”, is true. The safety of my partner, any other participants, and myself is paramount. In the right context pain can be exhilarating, but being hurt never is a good thing. Along those lines, I’ve been told that at times I over communicate, perhaps that is true. I would rather all parties know exactly what to expect (at least with an understood framework) than a surprise which ruins the moment, scene, or even the relationship. A very important concept for me is polyamory. I will just about never use the word “poly” to describe what I’ve had or what we are looking for next. Although we do seek “more than one” this is not on a conquest for “many”. Actually the most important part to us is the amore, love. We want, no need, to connect with our partner on an emotionally intimate level, otherwise it’s “just sex” and that's no longer something we're interested in and of itself.
I stay away from anything that would result in a criminal charge, permanent marks, or I wouldn't be willing to tell my best friend.
What's new
My current partner is a sub, and a very good one. After having a friend stay with us for nearly a month (unplanned, but not unwelcome) we realized that we enjoyed her company and would like to find someone who wants to love, and be loved by us. Perhaps that’s you? In April of 2022 our next great adventure started, a move from CO to the East coast of Florida (Fort Lauderdale area). Professionally we both can work from nearly anywhere, the plan is to purchase a sailing boat and work/live/sail the Bahamas. If this sounds like the kind of adventure you’d like, reach out!
Update date
Dec 9, 2023
Member since
Dec 27, 2020
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