dom male

Texas, United States
Relationship status
In a polyamorous relationship
About me
My primary submissive (PetMastersPet) and I have been together since 2009. I am a Dom male with roughly 15 years in the lifestyle, and she is a sub bisexual female who had limited experience before we got together, but has grown into her role amazingly well.

We are poly, but we are not currently looking for new partners. If you would like to take the time to get to know us as fellow lifestylers, then we welcome it. I do believe that anything is possible, but understand that I did not set this profile up to find more submissives.

I chose to set up this account mostly to be able to blog, and interact with like-minded individuals.
BDSM and me

Not many. Scat play, animals and children are out, but other than that not much I won't do with the right partner. Ask if you're curious. Good communication is the key to everything.
Member since
Sep 10, 2017
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