The first of my sacred writings.
Chapter 1
In the beginning there was Goddess. She created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of Goddess was hovering over the waters. And though Goddess loves the darkness, She declared that there should be light. And She separated the light from the darkness and created night and day. But She always and still prefers the night, and the ancient darkness.
Then Goddess said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced plants with magical properties, rosemary with its power to arouse and attract, wormwood that enhances divination and psychic dreaming, sage that cleanses and wards off evil, mint that lures love and wards off illness, and lavender for protection rituals, to enhance clarity, encourage fertility and bring love.
And Goddess said, let the waters teem with with living and spiritual creatures and let birds, ghosts and shadows fly above the earth across the vault of the sky. And three of these creatures of flight were the owl, the raven and the bat. To these, Goddess infused her gift of the spirit. Goddess gave the owl the ability to command ghosts and to announce the coming of Death. To the raven, she gave the gift of prophecy and shape shifting. But the bat was Goddess's favorite creature of the sky as the bat preferred the darkness. To the bat she gave self awareness and knowledge and powers of magick. Goddess took the bat as her mate and they birthed the vampire. But that is a story for another book.
And Goddess said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. Goddess made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And three of these creatures of the earth were the snake, the spider and the cat. To these, Goddess infused her gift of the spirit. Goddess gave the snake good fortune and the great power to heal, yet also the great ability to venomously harm. Goddess made the spider an artist and weaver of silk as well as a weaver of humankind's fate. But the cat was Goddess's favorite creature of the earth, as the cat preferred the darkness. Like the bat, the cat received self awareness and knowledge and powers of dominion over ghosts and shadows. Goddess so loved the cat, she gave it divinity, a creature to be worshipped.
Then Goddess said, “Let us make woman in our image, in our likeness, so she may infuse the earth with our sacred feminine energy." So Goddess created woman in Her own image, the human incarnation of Goddess. And Goddess gave woman the power to create life, and the greatest power of all, the power to love. And woman loved all of Goddess's creations, the waters and the plants, the bat and the cat, the light and the darkness. And woman loved Goddess, her creator Mother and thanked Her for all the gifts she had been given.
And Goddess said, "there is one more gift for woman to receive. Since woman is Goddess incarnate on earth, I will give her a creature whose purpose will be to worship her and praise her, to delight her and protect her. This creature will only feel complete when paying sacred homage to woman." And Goddess took a snip of wolf, snail, of earthworm and ape, and sprinkled it with just a pinch of Her sacred essence, so that he would always desire Her, and Goddess created man.