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Witch's musings

A place for me to share the inner workings of my twisted mind and plans to rule the world.
3 weeks ago. September 27, 2024 at 4:30 AM

You Can Pretend You Don't Care

You can act nonchalant.
You can try to pretend that I don't affect you.

But I'm your fantasy
Living in the flesh

You think you have a handle on this, but Miss M knows more than you, little one. Your cock is mine. Your devotion is mine. Your body is mine. I own you in parts of your mind you don't even know about yet.

You might think you have a handle on your thoughts, on your emotions.

But when I cage that cock (which by the way, is so sad, I love when it points right at me, the way it aims for me, and I can use it, choke on it, edge the fuck out of it, and make you my toy) you're lost and helpless and you cannot stay in charge of that brain.

You lose all control.
The body runs the show.
And that body belongs to me.

So, I now run the show.

You give it to me. You surrender your Manhood to me. You hand it over, like a beautiful teacup, full to the brim with piping hot tea on the daintiest little China plate, trying not to spill it, as if you're handing it to royalty. I am honored by your devotion. I do not take it for granted.

Sometimes you forget what it's like to be surrendered into me. Sometimes, you forget what it's like to have my hand gripping around your neck, my mouth pressed down on yours, stealing your breath, stealing your sanity. You forget the feeling of your eyes rolling back in your head, the way your heart beats so fast you think it might explode, the way the fear circles in your belly.

You forget that I can simultaneously melt you, and terrify you, with one look.

You forget the hell I can unleash on you if you decide to be sub-par. If you decide to do less than the minimum requirement.

Until I cage you.
Then you cannot forget.
Then it's all right there.

All the memories
All of the ownership.
All of the pain.
All of the desire.
All of the torture.
All of the desperation.
Pointing at me

At that key dangling around my neck.

When you cum, I lose you. You go home. You pleasure yourself. You think you have regained control of your mind. Of your body.

Until that cage goes back on.

Then almost instantly, your body remembers who you belong to. There's no escaping it.

It's me.

It will always be me.

That cage will remind you of me for the rest of your life.
When you marry some pretty lady who knows nothing about femdom, and unsatisfied (as you never are with me) you will sneak the cage on under your suit at work in the bathroom someday while no one is looking because you desire to be owned once more. You'll probably wear panties too. And knowing you, a plug. You will desire your Goddess to destroy you in every way you've ever fantasized about one more time. Lonely in your office, making money, with that family you desired at home, because you were young and thought you knew what you wanted in life.


It will be me that your cock craves.
It will always want Miss M while it's in that cage.
You will always be mine.

Kelpi - I have read many things before but what you just said ... I fail to have the right words for. Once many years ago There was a Lady in my life that I swore my faith honor and life to. This reminded me of her and the honor I had to serve her. Thank you.
3 weeks ago
Foop​(sub male) - Hi!
And thank You for that wonderful text. I love Your colorful description of this dynamic. But what love even more, or rather is amazed about, is that it could be written straight to me. It’s so very spot on that it almost feels spooky. It’s just how my feelings keeps pending, dependent on that little cage…
3 weeks ago
SubwithaDream{Miss M} - So true...
2 weeks ago

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